"Finish Lesson" -- Why assume un-clicked words are known?

Me and others have also been requesting this feature for a while, but it falls on deaf ears. Here are just a few of the requests for this feature over the last year or two.

The only way around it to get to the same screen is to click on the three dots (…) within the lesson and go to statistics. Then you can change the times read and listened and click ‘next lesson’. It’s inconvenient though, as still occasionally, out of habit, I hit the ‘finish lesson’ button and I turn a hundred words to Known… Which means I need to go back and read the lesson again to find those words and ignore them…

Honestly, I wouldn’t get your hope up about it being changed by LingQ. If you look at @zoran’s replies in the above threads, you’ll see the company’s opinion on the matter - that it is a silly idea of users not knowing how language learning works. If you have a feature idea for the browser version, ping @roosterburton.