Someone please fix "Paging moves to known"

@zoran “There is no reason to keep blue words.”

There is 100% a reason to keep words blue: if you don’t know the word and haven’t looked it up. You may think, “If you don’t know the word, why don’t you look it up and create a LingQ?” The answer is a technique called extensive reading.

Here’s the Wikipedia article, which explains how it works:

Extensive reading is a very popular technique and is used by many language learners.

“The idea is that you either need to learn them or they are known.”

This is the idea of intensive reading. Extensive reading has a very different idea. Here’s an article on the iTalki blog, which explains the difference between intensive and extensive reading:

I know you are adamant about LingQ keeping this option for ‘paging moves words to known’, but I would recommend this is TURNED OFF by default. There are often people who have a problem with this feature (I see people posting on the forum). Secondly, there should be a setting to turn off ‘complete lesson moves words to known’. I imagine most users of LingQ would prefer this than the current default. Would the implementation of setting really quite that much code?

Many people have issues with this feature. Here are some other recent forum posts on issues with this feature (and remember that most people don’t post on the forums and rather begrudgingly put up with it):