Finding next level material in Russian

I am having a hard time finding interesting new material in Russian.
I have read about everything from these bloggers:
• Russian with Max
• Russian with Dasha
• Russian from Russia
• Russian Progress
• Anna Cher / Tatiana Klimova / Maria Petrova
I understand about 90% on this level (B1?).
Now looking for something a liitle more difficult (but not too much).
Preferably Russian only material (with Ru subtitles).

Any ideas?

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Something like Varlamov? If you can understand 90%ish of this stuff, are you ready to take the proper jump to more native materials of interest?

Also, this is interesting that you have roughly double the words that I have , which gives you about 90% comprehension. I would say at my word count, with these sources, im at around 70% comprehension, so this is very motivating for me.

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Have a look at Litres, this for instance: Дина Рубина, Одинокий пишущий человек – скачать fb2, epub, pdf на ЛитРес ( audio and ebook.

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What kind of materials you looking for? I can recommend a few political bloggers

Try finding YouTube videos made for native speakers that have captions in Russian (not auto-generated) and importing them with the LingQ browser extension. That’s what I’m doing with all of my languages.

Some YouTube channels I’ve gotten such videos from:

  • Маша Себова

At your level you should be ready to conquer native material.

If you’re looking for YT videos with human-crafted subtitles, those aren’t real common. One channel I like is JustFan (JUSTFAN - YouTube) which uploads a new short human-interest video with real Russian subtitles every day. If you like it, there’s a large backlog of videos there for you. An advantage over some of these other channels, imo, is that the author fully avoids politics. (Just be warned that he wields a large vocabulary.)

Many, though not all, of the videos on the Вдудь channel have real subtitles (вДудь - YouTube). They’re all long-format, though, which can be wearying, but no one is watching over your shoulder to make sure you finish each one. I find Редакция interesting and fairly easy to understand, but he usually does not have real subtitles. (Редакция - YouTube) These are also long, but I find I can usually watch them longer than those of Вдудь.

Looking for books? I think I had around your number of words when I tackled Мастер и Маргарита. I bought the e-book at (I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to buy again from them with banking & currency sanctions, but as of last week I was able to make a purchase with PayPal.) A great screen adaptation of M&M, with only automatic subtitles, alas, is at Мастер и Маргарита - YouTube

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Great, thanks for these recommendations!
I do try native resources, but the speed and number of unknown words are a little too much. Looking for something in between.

I know about Varlamov and Shulman. Their speed is still a problem for me. Also try to find material with good subtitling to import in LingQ.

Thanks. Some are new for me. Will definitely have a look!

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Thanks. Would it also be possible to use this within LingQ?

I try to follow Varlamov, especially last month. Unfortunately he has not much real subtitles which makes it less suitable to import in LingQ. And his speed is also still a problem for me.

I use Andrei Burenok videos, it basically talks about russian emigrants in other countries: Армения: есть ли жизнь после войны и СССР? - YouTube

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Yes, that is possible.

I think you can try to read some of Russians classic writers. Like Dostoevskiy, Tolstoy and etc. Easiest for understanding among them i think is Pushkin.

Appart from Varlamov which was already mentioned, I watch Максим Кац

The videos tend to be “medium size” (20-30 min) and there are Russian subtitles (but autogenerated), also translations into English and Hebrew (usually)

I could barely understand him at the beginning, but I have persevered and grown accustomed to his way of speaking. After a few weeks I am understanding more and more. Sometimes the images provide enough context, if necessary they can be watched first with English subtitles to compare

Sometimes I read a poem (Pushkin, Blok, Yesenin) or a short story by Tolstoy or my favourite writer Danill Kharms. But Krokodil Gena is my actual level :wink:

Interesting channel. Nice length. Good speaking tempo. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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You can then read books by Uspenskiy. He is child writer and his texts are simple in my opinion. My favourite russian videomaker is Ekaterina Shulman now. Only she can reduce my panic, haha.

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I’m right at your level where I’m a bit beyond Russian Progress, Russian with Max, etc. and I just found Simple History on YouTube that has Russian CCs (not auto generated). The videos are just at the right length (about 10-15 minutes) and number of unknown/known words ratio that it keeps it challenging but still interesting.


Yes, this is great, thanks!
In return, I can share these (maybe you already know them):
• Exlinguo lectures (easy lectures by teachers)

• Russian Calendar (short history lessons)

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