Extension: Rooster Course Upload - Create LingQ Courses from saved media

According to this more recent reply, there is via manual import, but I tried to do it, and I couldn’t.

But the Knowledge guide provided by LingQ seems to indicate that they don’t have this feature anymore.

So maybe my idea won’t work since LingQ might not have that functionality?


  • This post says they don’t, and just to include the URL in the notes section.
  • This post also says there is a way to add images.
  • This reply has directions for adding images. But again, I can’t seem to recreate what is being described here. I don’t see an “add image paragraph” button anywhere, either.

I mainly see a lot of people requesting to use photos as hints (which is kind of a cool idea, too), other image related topics, and a mention that people don’t technically have a learning style (i.e., Visual vs Kinesthetic, etc.).

Note: I’ll update this reply if I can find more information.

P.S. Maybe I should just be satisfied with including URLs in the lesson and notes sections of sentences, and having another window open for images, :laughing:

Edit: P.P.S. I [put] in a request to have them add manual image import to the import options, but unless it has support for multiple images, it would be pretty tedious to import a single image as a lesson for a comic/webtoon/etc, but it doesn’t hurt to try :sweat_smile: