Enjoy The New Lesson Feed And Playlist

I see. I’m looking for something equivalent to the old “+ Add Course” button to let me browse via course names, since I’m essentially never going to jump into a lesson in the middle of some course.

Holy moly, this is WAY better. As you know me, I was a staunch critic of the library system here.

I still am, but the feed makes finding new content WAY better. It’s fun to learn what other people are learning.

You can find the blue “Import Lesson” button on the Feed page.

Thanks! Unique words are the number of unique words in the lesson. If the same word appears multiple times, it is only counted once.

You can go to the Search page, Library tab, and choose to view Courses. Then sort by Likes. That is the same list that was displayed when you clicked +Add Course. Or, click the course link above the title for the lessons you see in the feed that interest you. That will take you to that course where you can start on lesson 1.

I think this is a much more positive and progressive change than the new reader. Will help make the site more like a social network for language learners :slight_smile:

Oh! Clicking the search thing without a search term takes you to a search page showing you everything, and you can filter stuff from there. OK I get it now, thanks!

great to see the “number of lingqs” as well as “number of unknown words” in lessons and courses. It helps me a lot in calculating what lesson to chose next! It would be great to see the lingqs in percentages as well.
I actually suggested this change a while back, and am really happy that it is now implemented!

How can I delete a course in my list?

If you unsave all lessons from a course, it should no longer appear in My Lessons.

It seems to difficult to me - a lot of possibilities which I never use - the stupid challenges, the forced feed lessons etc.
But I can’t find ‘my import lessons’ and ‘import a lesson’ besides in ‘classic’ which works now very badly,every second time I see ‘ERROR’ by clicking ‘my import lessons’ in ‘clsaaic’ .
So my question - how to reach ‘my import lessons’, ‘import lessons’ without to go to ‘classic’?

The “Getting started” shows the LingQ courses “Greetings and Goodbyes”, “Eating out” and “Who is she?” for German only. I guess a lot of absolute beginners will leave LingQ before they see the courses that are really suitable for beginners. These courses may have the advantage of being available in all languages, but they are definitely not the best ones to start with. Just my opinion.

On the “Getting started” page I can get information about the course in a small box. This option is not available in the library. That is a pity.

I may be completely dense, but…

The notifications look quite different now.
Before I was able to choose my review method (usually multiple choice) on the notifications pop-up and was taken there directly. Now I’m taken to the vocab page in a new tab (why???) and only then get to choose.
I also can’t delete notifications at all now? Before there was at least an area which allowed my to delete even if there was no red cross or something so I could easily keep track of which daily LingQs I had done and which I hadn’t.
If I click on “Mark All as Read” nothing happens. There’s nothing to distinguish new and read notifications.
Why was a system that worked very well changed to something that’s just getting more and more complicated?

There is an Import Lesson button on the Feed page to the right of where it says Feed. I agree we need to find a good place for that button on the Library and My Lesson Search pages as well. The classic pages haven’t been touched but I think there was an issue with the server at the time you were trying those. To get to your Imports, click the View All My Lessons button. Your imports are shown there. If you want, you can filter to see only your Imports. Do this in the advanced filters where you can select to View your imports only.

What we are trying to do with Getting Started is to remove the necessity for new users to have to choose courses. They often just want to told what to study. We feel that our beginner courses are as good a place to start as any and are available in all our languages and translated into many languages. Once they are done these courses, or if they want to bypass those courses, they will end up in the Feed where they will see other lessons at whatever level they choose.

Having said that, our goal is to make sure new users are best able to get started. We will be monitoring how they do and if new users aren’t picking things up well, we can test different courses on that page in the future.

If you click Show more in the Library or My Lessons, you see that information. Likewise, if you switch to Expanded View, you can see that information for all courses or lessons.

We have rebuilt everything from scratch so often it’s not that we chose to change functionality but that it takes time to get things all working efficiently again. I agree it would be nice to be able to get rid of notifications. I will add that to the list. I understand that you were using the notification as a way to keep track of your Daily LingQs which is good. I don’t really see where notifications are getting more complicated. Regarding the option to open a specific activity, we are going to be replacing the Vocabulary page with an updated page soon which will have the same integrated activities as you see now on the Lesson page. This means you will get whatever activities you have chosen in the Activity settings. So that is why we didn’t add this control back to the new notifications.

I tried that and it didn’t work, I don’t know why. I think the delete lesson button did not work, as there was no change after I clicked on it. I am having trouble navigating and finding previous lessons to review. I used to do this by courses, but there are so many, and the ones I want seem to be at the bottom. Can the courses come up in most recently accessed? I also can’t seem to make the search work for courses I want to access.

You may need to refresh the page after you “unsave” all course lessons. If you go to the course page, you can see all the lessons to make sure none of them is saved. (Saved indicator blue)

When you search from the Feed page, you are taken to the Search results page in the Library tab. These are lessons you have not taken. Here you can see 2 tabs, one for Library and one for My Lessons. Your courses for review will be in the My Lessons tab. You can also toggle between lessons and courses using the switch at the top of the list. Sort by Newly Accessed to see the list in that order. You have to be in the My Lessons tab to search My Lessons and vice versa.