Donald's mythomania and pseudologia fantastica

Donald’s lies extend at least to 1973 when the Justice Department sued him for violating the Fair Housing Act for declining to rent to African Americans.

More recently, he lied about the crowd size at his inauguration and falsely claimed that Obama had his “wires-tapped in Trump Tower.” White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, walked back Donald’s wiretapping declaration. FBI Director, James Comey, is asking the Department of Justice to reject Donald’s wiretapping assertion.

Wikipedia lists the following characteristics of a pathological liar:

  1. The stories told are usually dazzling or fantastical, but never breach the limits of plausibility, which is key to the pathological liar’s tactic.
  2. The fabricative tendency is chronic. There is some element of dyscontrol present.
  3. The stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably. The liar “decorates their own person” by telling stories that present them as the hero or the victim.
  4. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless.

“Due to lack of trust, most pathological liars’ relationships and friendships fail. If the disease continues to progress, lying could become so severe as to cause legal problems, including, but not limited to, fraud.” (Wikipedia)

“Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying.” (Wikipedia)

I know how to help Donald. I have a friend, Xi Wang Mu (Grandmother of the West). 135,000 years ago, she lived in a cave near jade pond at the foot of Mt. Kunlun. I would often visit and bring her steamed buns. She possesses our world’s only jade purity fan. With a single sweep of motion the fan can place people, immortals, and monsters alike into deep slumber.

With Donald asleep, I will enter his dreams as a Miss Teen USA contestant. When he enters our changing room, sees us in varying changes of undress, and hungrily stares, I will walk up to him and slap his face hard.

If this shaming alone does not cure or get him to a psychotherapy session, I will order my golden haired undying lion to burn his magnificent display of hair with crimson fire.

If this, too, does not work, I will have him shackled in the courtyard of the heavenly mother’s taoist temple for 12,000 years. There he can hear the prehistoric bronze meditation bell ringing hourly, reminding him to come back to the present moment. And to his own, long lost goodness.

In case someone might need this

It looks like we’re both trying to help in our own ways. You posted a lot of useful phone numbers.
I congratulate you for that (assuming they are authentic).

LingQers can copy and save your suggested resources if they want.

But I think we have a bigger problem.

It appears that the President of the United States has a mythomania /pseudologia fantastica disorder.

And now has structural power. Are you not afraid for the people and the environment?

If i could be bothered i could list here lies told by every politician ever. Why no posts about Obama’s lies and warmongering? Because he’s not a nasty ‘right’ winger, obviously.

It really is a shocking example of how mentally deranged the world is nowadays, when an American says he will put Americans first and Americans cry about it.

Truly mentally ill.

Oh, so we now have to add “mythomania /pseudologia fantastica disorder” to everything else that you call him?

Why can’t you just admit that you’re a Lefty and that you hate Righty ?

The slogan “America First” is not shocking because the concept of free trade and globalization has always been proposed for the benefit of American industries. The point is economic protectionism cannot save the “forgotten people” in the U.S in the long run, not to mention the sacrifices consumers in the same country have to make.

  1. "Donald’s lies extend at least to 1973 when the Justice Department sued him for violating the Fair Housing Act for declining to rent to African Americans. "

I should also add that anyone can be sued, but are they guilty?

“We settled the suit with zero – with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do.”

“Trump vehemently denied the claims, which he called “absolutely ridiculous,” according to a 1973 New York Times article. Trump and his company filed a countersuit the following December, claiming the government made baseless charges and asking for $100 million in damages.”

  1. “More recently, he lied about the crowd size at his inauguration”

No official numbers are kept.

  1. "falsely claimed that Obama had his “wires-tapped in Trump Tower”

No one knows anything yet, this is to be determined.

Where are the lies? There are plenty of lies from Trump to pick from…use them. When you have hate posts, they will seem more credible when there is something real to back them up with.

“The point is economic protectionism cannot save the “forgotten people” in the U.S in the long run, not to mention of the sacrifices of consumers in the same country.”

This is true, but Hillary ignored these people and lost their vote.

“We settled the suit with zero – with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do.”

Yes, Donald said this. But his statement was incomplete and misleading.

New York times:

"After nearly two years of legal wrangling, the Trumps gave up and signed a consent decree.

As is customary, it did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties."

You do not think that “America First” is a “great” slogan, do you? The president is not Hillary but Trump. I suppose you should be more concerned about the feasibility of Trump’s “policies” if you are really worrying about the lives of the “forgotten” people in the “rust belt” region in the U.S. In my opinion, Trump is a con artist.

so what did he lie about?

For political purposes it is very effective and fantastic because of it.

I am personally neutral about it, it is not inherently good or bad. It depends on how it is used and applied. You can’t help other people until you help yourself first. Like I can’t donate food to someone else if I myself am starving. So if it is used in this context it is a good slogan.

Another view is this is isolationist/protectionist or hateful, etc. To be honest I don’t fully understand the opposition(most of the time).

The big debates today were globalist/isolationist and free market/protectionist. The bigger issue is interventionist vs. non-interventionist. and most politicians want to be an interventionist.

I could be an non-interventionist/market globalist with the slogan America First. I wouldn’t be interfering with other countries’ affairs but still be open to businesses around the world. And any policies puts the interests of Americans first(which is generally the goal of all governments). These policies are probably going to be fine.

HOWEVER, if you are an interventionist, America First, could be a problem. This is because you are intervening into other countries’ affairs to improve you country’s standing/wealth.

" I suppose you should be more concerned about the feasibility of Trump’s “policies”, if you are really worrying about the lives of the “forgotten” people in the “rust belt” region in the U.S."

You are making some big assumptions about me. If you have questions please ask. Don’t be rude…forum moderator

These threads always seem to end so well. I don’t know how you manage to keep going

If you’re referring to the 1973 lawsuit, Donald and his father denied discriminating against African Americans when, in fact, they were.

If I were to “hate Righty,” I would have to hate half of my family. At one stage of my life, I could have been considered right wing.

The turning point was my freshman year in college when I had a sociology professor who introduced me to left wing consciousness. From there, I devoured books by Noam Chomsky, Karl Marx, Abby Hoffman, Mary Daly…

Left and right wing ideologies are forms of consciousness that evolve and change. We are all at different places in that gradient.

I think the phrase “bleeding heart liberal” says it well: the more compassion we have for immigrants, animals, the poor… the softer our hearts become.

The problem I have with Donald is he is a bit reactive and self centered. The world needs a stable person in the role of President of the United States.

You put so much energy into these threads that I’m fairly sure that you simply “hate righty”.

Yeah, I don’t like how he gets offended by everything and everyone either.

About “self centered”. Did you ever see a politician who actually cared about others? They are all self centered! It’s pretty much the point of going into politics: you get to be on TV all the time and then write a book about your achievements.

Nice to see that the brainwashing of Anglo-Saxon Universities got to you!

So not being found guilty means guilty? I think even Trump would have a hard time pulling this lie off.

Keep in mind the case never reached trial, Trump and the Department of Justice settled out of court.

Basically, the agreement was Trump did not have to admit guilt but he had to start renting to African Americans.

Your post:
"After nearly two years of legal wrangling, the Trumps gave up and signed a consent decree.

As is customary, it did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties."

“Consent decrees are frequently used by federal courts to ensure that businesses and industries adhere to regulatory laws in areas such as antitrust law, employment discrimination, and environmental regulation”

Please correct me if I am am wrong. He was not found guilty and instructed to follow the law(which he was never found guilty of).