Do we need a LingQ Twibe?

I’ve only recently discovered Twitter ‘Twibes’ . I’ve copied the following description:

"What is a Twibe?

A Twibe is a group of Twitter users interested in a common topic. To create a Twibe, just choose a name and Tweet it using the form above. The URL must be included in the tweet. Example:
How do I create or join a Twibe?

To create a twibe, just tweet a link to it. For example, “I just created the coffee Twibe:”. Any people to subsequently tweet “” will join the Twibe. *Be sure that the full URL is included in the tweet. Please note, some desktop applications through which Twitter users tweet may filter the URL, and thus cause an error.
What should I call mine?

The name should represent your Twibe’s interest. Examples: “coffee-lovers”, “Against-Cancer”, “Seattle”, or “InternetMarketing” You can also use your postal code or telephone area code to meet people near you. Examples: “Belltown98121” or “Area253”
How can I get others to join my Twibe?

Just send a tweet to whoever you want to join with your Twibe’s full URL and ask them to retweet. Example: “I just started a twibe. Visit or RT this URL to join.”
Can I create as many Twibes as I like?

Currently, only 3 Twibes are allowed per Twitter account. However, additional accounts may be created for a small fee in the near future (paid via Paypal).

We are interested in your feedback. You can contact us at:"

This is me again: while I cannot see an immediate need for a LingQ twibe, someone else may be more imaginative and could come up with a use or two…

Does “twibe” come from tweet and tribe?

Are the LingQ tribes composed of the polyglot tribes, non-polyglot tribes, input-oriented tribes, posting-maniac tribes, and so on?

You’ve hit the nail on the head again.

I really hope that it is not my head but the nail’s head that I have hit.

Hi Sanne,

Thanks for the heads up. I’ve now gone in and set this up (it was extremely simple!) so anyone who is interested can go ahead and join our “LingQ twibe”: :slight_smile:


What a terrible-sounding word. I think I’ll write a diatwibe about it.

I have just joined lingq Twibe. Actually I do not know what is going to happen…

You are a shining example! Let’s find out where this all leads to. I’ll join you in a second.

I joined the tribe called LingQ Twibe, and “unjoined” it immediately because I have a phobia about tattoos. :wink:

The Twibe won’t be complete without you. You would be a very valued twibal member, our twibal memory.

"Post tweet above or use keywords(s): lingq OR languages OR ‘language learning’ OR ‘foreign languages’ "

If you are a member of the LingQ Twibe and tweet using the above word or phrase, or two or three of the three, on your Twitter site, your messages will be shown on the Twibe site.

—> using one, two, or three of the above one word and three phrases

—> using one, two, or three of the above two words and two phrases

Facebook, Twibes, Twitter, Posterous, YouTube, etc, etc — If you spend your whole day with these social and blogging platforms, there will be no time left to create LingQs :wink:

As I don’t ‘do’ FB or YT, I can spend more time doing what I like doing best (if my granddaughter lets me, that is).

Just to get on everyone’s nerves:

Tora3’s tip actually works. I tweeted something containing one or two of the above keywords. The text automatically ended up in the LingQ Twibe. So, it’s a time-saving device.

The second good thing is if we tweet from within the LingQ Twibe, we can write as much as we want to, it gets shortened to Twitter-friendly proportions. It is similar to posterous in that respect.

I am pleased to see that our LingQ Twibe is growing: there are more Japanese members than Brits, some people from across the pond and one wonderful Spanish tutor!

“…we can write as much as we want to, it gets shortened to Twitter-friendly proportions”

Thanks, SanneT! I always thought 140 symbols are not enough to tweet :slight_smile:

Btw Russians are already in the LingQ Twibe!

Yes, yes, I’ve noticed, it’s great. It might inspire me to learn a bit more. I’m so glad about the international make-up of the LingQ Twibe. Where are the French? Italians? Swedes? Portuguese? etc etc?