Do we need a LingQ Twibe?

We urgently need French and Italian speakers (and speakers of other languages as well, please) for a little parlour game which has just started by the Twibe. Do join in! It’s all in the interest of language learning. It helps to practise writing.

and obviously I had meant to write … which has just been started by the Twibe. It really helps to practise writing.

Things you can post on the LingQ Twibe:

glowing twibutes
vicious diatwibes
ideas for twibal wituals
wibald remarks
remarks on the twials and twibulations of language learning

I could go on but my dinner’s ready :wink:

If I weren’t such a mature person, I might be extwemely jealous of your wit.

Ah, that should of course be “wibald wemawks”.

I just joined the twibe. Pwease be vewy nice to me, I am new to this and weally shy.

Oh, the big Chief has weturned to the dweadfully delighted twibal family in their twibal gwounds!

On a language learning note: I am even more jealous of Helen now since I have seen her Japanese sentences for our twibal parlour game. I shall weturn to the hunting grounds immediately to see whether I can twanslate her texts with the help of google twanslate. is where the parlour game is being played.

It started off as a sentence chain about language learning. We had contributions in English, Japanese, Russian and German. I don’t know where we are at the moment because now that Helen is posting in Japanese (see above post).

I don’t understand what this is all about!

Neither do I. I thought the website will automatically pull all the tweets of the group members. Looks like you have to explicitly add the tags.

So what is the different from doing a Twitter search based on the tags?

Also, if you tweet from their website, everything will be redirected to there. People have to click twice to get to the target page.

Ah. I’m very sorry if I disrupted the game, I didn’t mean to. I got very excited at the thought of practising multilingual texting so I had my first attempt at writing in Japanese. My 4 posts are meant to constitute a short story. I realised afterwards that there are a couple of spelling mistakes, so the Google translation may be even stranger than usual :wink:

Please ignore those tweets for the purpose of the game and I’ll try and stick to the rules from now on!

Those tweets were a weal tweat, the chocolate rats (wats) were a sweet diversion. Do continue, anything that will encourage me to pay attention to other people’s comments is time well spent, As I said, congwatulations to your pwogwess :slight_smile: (The parlour game is actually quite hard work to manage, perhaps it’ll soon die a natuwal death, no interfewence by the twibe needed.)

@ hape : there used to be, largely fictional, members of the British upper classes who pwonounced the ‘r’ in a way similar to the way we have been typing here. As to the use of the Twibe, it is just a little bit more exposure, an adjunct.

As it says on the site:

if we post from there we can post very long texts which will get automatically shortened and posted on Twitter if we choose to.

if we post a tweet from Twitter containing any of the key words - LingQ, languages, language learning or foreign languages - our tweets are automatically posted on the Twibe site, as well.

There is a temporary drawback, in that it also receives the automated announcements generated by the LingQ ‘Twitter share facility.’ From what I understand Steve, Mark and Alex are working on a better solution.

Chocolate rats? Is that what I said? I knew there was a spelling mistake in there…

Actually, I could just fancy a chocolate rat.