Counter LingQs learned and Known words

Mark, now I’m really confused. Today I had this problem with FF too!

I also have some words that stubbornly refuse to become known. хижину and неприятности in particular are old friends. When I meet them I greet them affectionately and mark them as known. My known words score goes up but the words, next time I meet them, will be in blue.

Learned phrases are still not counted as LingQs learned!
Tested with IE and FF.
This problem is known since Octobre, 2009 = 17 months.

Vera, I must say that I am not sure how to proceed with this.

As it stands now, as you learned words are added to your known words total. If you learned phrases would also be added to your known words total, which we would not want.

Perhaps we need a Learned Phrases statistics. This begs the question of whether we should have a separate list of known phrases for review etc. I think these are ideas worth looking at.

I would appreciate input from others. I am also waiting to hear from Mark.

@Vera - Actually, Steve is wrong about this one. The way it currently works is that any LingQed phrases that are set to Status 4 are added to your Learned LingQs total, but not to your Known Words. What is the problem you’re experiencing?

Hi Alex, the problem is that it doesn’t work in the way you describe it. LingQd phrases that turn into Status 4 are NOT added to the Learned LingQs total. That is the problem. You can easily try it. Go to your vocabulary page, choose a LingQ with a phrase and status = 3. Then change the status from 3 to 4. The number of “Learned LingQ” don’t increase. Nothing happens. That works wrong.
But if you do the same with a LingQ that is only a word, the “Learned LingQ” and “Known words” increase by 1. That works correctly.

Vera, I’m having no problems with this, regardless of what level the phrase is and regardless of whether I change it manually or through marking it correct on flashcards. I’ve tried on different browsers and can’t reproduce this issue. It even worked on Internet Explorer just a minute ago.
Are you experiencing this issue on every browser?

I tested it on Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox.

Now I tested it on a second pc with IE8 and FF and I got the same result. You can check my profile and look for my todays Learned LingQs. There is only “1” for the single word that I changed from status 3 to 4. But I changed 4 more phrases (2 in each browser on 2 pcs).

This problem exists since 17 months. That is why my LingQs with status=4 are 7551 and my “Learned LingQs” are 6308. The difference are the learned phrases!!!

It’s quite strange that you are still experiencing this issue, as I can’t reproduce it no matter what I try.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?

Changing the status of learned words (1-3 characters) back and forth between status 3 and 4 changes the number of known words on the badge (703). Moving 能吃苦耐劳的 from status 2 to 4 and back again didn’t change the number of known words. So if I have learned that one it won’t show on the badge. I wasn’t aware of this. Maybe the number in the profile statistics includes phrases (1448). But if so what about my statistics for French? Badge: 23334 - Profile statistics: 22845. I wouldn’t mind if the number were the same, as it was for a long time, whatever the real numbers are (including phrases or not). I’m using IE8.

BTW, total number of my Learned Chinese LingQs: 958 ??? Known words (Badge): 703. Known Words (Profile statistics): 1448. I think I’ll get back to counting my known characters and vocabulary in a note book…

@alleray - The reason your Learned LingQs for Chinese is so high is that each learned LingQ counts towards your activity score. We can subtract from this statistic if you delete status 4 LingQs or downgrade them to 1, 2 or 3, but that could result in a negative Activity Score. Do you see the problem?

Most likely the reason why 能吃苦耐劳的 is not added to your Known Words total when moving it to status 4 is that the algorithm sees Chinese differently, and because there are so many characters (and words with more than 3 characters are quite rare in Chinese, excluding 4 character idioms) it most likely considers this a phrase and therefore it isn’t added to your Known Words total.

It gets a bit complicated in some cases, as I’m sure you can understand, but we want to be as consistent as possible across all languages. It is expected that not all languages will perform exactly the same, but we do our best to ensure they are perfectly usable.

Alex, this does not address the inconsistency between the badge and the profile. That is something we should nail down asap.

I think that your counters are VERY confusing, sometimes wrong, in the moment.

Until now I have (according to my counting via your API)
LingQs: TOTAL: 6097, status 1=27, 2=1400, 3=293, 4=4377

The system tells me:
Learned (left on user page): 4985
Known (also on badge): 5073
LingQs created: 6271
LingQs learned: 4129
Below of progress one sees now
Current Known Words: 4985
Current LingQs: 6097

Sorry, but I don’t understand all these numbers.

For me personally:
I don’t know: status 1=27 + 2=1400 + 3=293 — total 1720
I know: status 4= 4377 plus those I marked known and did not LingQ them
I learned… ? What’s your definition of that?
LingQs created… ? Does this include LingQs that are deleted in the meantime?

If you would like to see here more new members you must make this easy to understand.

@Alex: Maybe we should skype about this. Than I can show you what happens on my pc.
I never delete LingQs. I don’t set LingQs back from 4 to 3. So these LingQs with the phrases were not counted before as learned LingQs. This is really annoying for me.
I can only guess that you do not the same as I do?
Please consider that other members maybe create seldom LingQs for phrases.

Vera, there is no need, I have checked and found the same as you. We will address this problem.

Hape, I like your Avatar as your icon.

I believe there are a few issues here.

  1. Inconsistencies in our statistics between the Known Words numbers as shown i) on your Badge ii) on the left hand side of your profile and iii) in the Known Words statistic in the Progress Snapshot.
  2. The problem reported by Vera, which I can confirm for Russian. I am not going to try other languages, because it exists as a problem we need to address it.
  3. Confusion surrounding how our system works.
  4. Added confusion caused by how we present and explain things.


  1. and 2) are our top priority for our programmers now.

  2. How the system works

-Known Words consists of i) words that you deliberately marked “Known” or were blue when you clicked LingQ’d + ii) LingQed words that you have moved to Status 4 (learned words)

-Learned LingQs are LingQs that you have moved to status 4, on on the Vocab page, or in Flash Cards or on the LingQ widget etc.

-LingQs Created is the total number of LingQs that you have created since you started. This statistic is used for the monthly Activity Score, and does not reflect deleted LingQs.

-Current LingQs consists of LingQs Created minus any LingQs that you have deleted (aka the number of existing LingQs in your account for that language). This statistic is used to generate your Avatar credits. Free members who delete LingQ do not accumulate Avatar credits.

  1. How we present and explain things
  • We can eliminate the “Current Known Words” metric underneath the Progress Snapshot, since that information is available on the left hand side and on the Badge, and both numbers should be the same. Less information on the profile will be better.

  • We can add a Help (?) under the Current LingQs to better explain what this statistic means.

Please bear with us, and I apologize for the confusion.

"LingQs Created is the total number of LingQs that you have created since you started. "

This should have read “LingQs Created is the total number of LingQs that you have created in a given period.”