[bug] statistics for Finnish added to Korean in stead of Finnish

This morning I listened to a podcast in Finnish on my phone. When I switched back from the lesson to library, I checked the statistic in the top line, which was still zero. So, I touched it (on my phone) and got the statistic it had gathered which was about 153 coins.

Then I touched the icon for “library” and suddenly my language had switched to Korean. That in itself was weird, but when I returned to my PC and started lingq, it turns out the statistic for the Finnish podcast had been added to Korean!

What is going on with Lingq? Why does it keep mixing up Finnish and Korean both in the email reminders and even in the lessons?

I know I am probably asking in vain, but can you please keep me updated about this issue? Especially, if and when you are going to work on this.

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That’s very strange, we apologize for any inconvenience.
Our team is looking into it.

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Hi @gbonnema !
Thank you for describing the issue that occurred.
Could you please send me a screenshot of the email with the mixed data for languages, which you receive? This will help to figure out the issue.

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I sent the email to Tommy, his linguist account. If you cannot find Tommy, or Tommy does not have it, I will resend the email to you (give me an email address please).

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Yesterday, I got a reply from Tommy on 2 issues, both of which appear to be less than logical or even understandable. Well, I did get feedback, fortunately.

This was the first answer:

"The email is built to just send reminders on the language you have the longest streak in. Is it not doing that? "

My stomach turned. Lingq is redirecting attention to an absurdity ignoring the settings that specify for which languages I want notifications. Is Lingq too dim to even follow their own guidelines? Do they have make up rules as they go so maintenance is easier? What is going on with Lingq? Why utter these stupities just to prevent bug correction? (btw Finnish is 1401 streak, Korean makes and breaks daily, so no).

The second response, to my complaining about the colors of status fields being badly or not visible, got the following response:

“With all due respect, the status 2 and 3 words are clearly distinguishable from the background for me. The background is green. The 2 & 3 words are a light faded yellow. The highlighting is intentionally supposed to decrease in contrast as the word moves from 1 to 2 to 3. It represents that the words are getting closer to known.”

I know, mails that start with “with all due respect” just mean to introduce disrespect. The first sentence in translation is: “I can see it, so you are lying.” Disregarding the fact that I sent screen prints to show the issue. The status 2 and 3 fields are the same color as Known or ignored. The second sentence says “we know what is best for you, we made it so on purpose”. In essence, that means bugger off and get lost.

Then they give the advice that I make a feature request, ignoring the fact that Lingq produced crap in the first place.

If you don’t believe me, follow the discussion on “Next LingQ Downgrade: Dark Mode in Lessons not available any more - only some background colors” with the the “downgrade” in the title.

And now I have to design something proper under the guise of a “feature request” ?

I just want to see all the different statusses from unkown to known and distinguish them from each other. That is all I want.

Is that so hard?

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Have you seen the new Rooster Reader updates for LingQ listen mode - 45+ Themes and complete customization of word effects by status

I’m looking to bring these color schemes into the LingQ reader in the coming days.


I will send you an email. I unfortunately lost the ability to install Rooster stuff when I switched systems from Fedora to an ubuntu offspring (pop-os).

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The picture shows a lot more than I am asking for from Lingq. It would be a lifesaver.

I installed it in a firefox-dev version. Now just to find it. Did you already add it?
Oh, wait, the coming days. I can’t wait, thanks for the effort you put in.

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If you have the Reader installed individually you can access it here. I’ve heard page requires a reload after clicking if using the individual addon.


If you have MasterLingQ installed you can access it here

It’s also in the notes to add a button to load it directly from the lessons in the library

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Hi @gbonnema !
Thank you kindly for the information you provided. Tommy shared with me the email you sent.

The first issue relates to the email reminders having incorrect language in the subject title. It should have been fixed. Please, leave a note here if you encounter it again.

The second one relates to the Android app that synchronizes the currently studying language with the Web app but does this with some lag and not obviously. So when a user learns one language via Web and then opens the Android app - it syncs to the language previously opened via Web, but does this with a delay and could require a manual refresh of the Library (with a swipe down) to show it.
This issue will be fixed, but it will require some time because requires rework of the current implementation.
I am sorry for the inconvenience that occurred. So far I would suggest refreshing the Library when you open the Android app after studying another language via Web.

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Thank you @Denys_B. I sent a reply in email, but realize now, that may never reach you. A copy of that below.

If I understood your post correctly, closing the last lesson on the web during the evening on Finnish, should result in the listening results for Finnish in the morning on Android being added to Finnish. As I only do Korean in the afternoon and on the web, they should not hurt each other, as long as I close the day in Finnish.

Thank you for the update. Could I receive an update when it is corrected, please? Then I can forget about always closing in Finnish, and just do what fits the day.

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