I have been using Lingq every day for the past week or só, but today it said that I have broken my streak . Not at all happy, this is very demotivating. Please restore this.
Probably you would like to reduce the daily target for coins to prevent such tragedies.
As far as I knew I was up with my daily targets, the only difference yesterday was that I was using my android tablet rather than either my Iphone or Web Browser for the lessons. The UI on the android seems a little quirky.
I do see what you mean about the streak target. I had no idea that it had been set at the ínsane´ level. I have reduced it as per your good advice.
Given that I have paid an annual subscription however, if Lingq think that is it good marketing to suggest that someone pays a tenner to ‘repair their streak’, I can assure them that they are mistaken. That is more reminiscent of Duolingo.
Vielen Dank
Greatly appreciated.
What is the point of an Activity Streak function if the streak disappears every now and then, regardless of whether I have done my “duty” every day? This week, it has happened twice! Is there any way to disable the streak function altogether? At the moment, it’s more irritating than useful!
@bolletjeb Sorry but it can’t be disabled at the moment. We’ll check and try to figure out why you have the mentioned issues. I fixed your streak.
Lost my streak again, for no reason. So obviously nothing in the system has changed yet. When will I be able to disable it altogether? This is so annoying!
I still don’t understand this fuss about streaks. If it is interrupted, then it is interrupted. This happens to me frequently, mostly when I am too lazy to study. So what? People here want to learn languages and not collect streaks that don’t serve any real purpose. Or maybe I’m wrong about that?
For the record @bolletjeb , our system shows you recorded no activity on May 22. Can you tell me more about why you want to be able to disable the streak?
@Rickycafe the idea of using coins to repair the streak is that the streak is intended to demonstrate that you’ve reached a threshold of coins every day. If you miss one day, you can use your store of coins to repair the streak. This encourages you to earn more coins faster to be able to repair your streak more frequently.
Regarding Android tablet, yes the UI is not great and we will work on it. Admittedly, it’s been neglected a bit because a few small percentage of users are using an Android tablet. But we will be improving it.
Hi tommy_lerner_success, I prefer to leave the streak function as it is not accurate at all. I am pretty sure that I have NOT missed a single day’s activity on LingQ, even though your system has not recorded it. Since this has happened several times now, I am tired of this streak thing and would prefer to turn it off.
Worrying about my stupid streak makes me feel like a silly person. I want to purposely break it but I just can’t make myself do it.
Most days I want to work on Lingq but some days my language learning might be better spent in a different way. I hate that I feel compelled to keep the streak going. It’s like Duolingo all over again.
@bolletjeb you can turn off the Streak popups in the Reader settings. You’ll still see streak messaging in the lesson complete screen, on the library coins/streak indicator and in the stats page. But you won’t get any popups that say you’ve hit your streak. You can also unsubscribe from push notifications & emails related to the streak.
I get the impression you didn’t get my point, tommy_learner! This is not about streak messages or notifications, it’s about LingQ’s system that does not record streaks properly and then telling me that I didn’t reach my target. I don’t ask for “repairing” my streak, I ask for a way to get rid of it permanently, since it is as useless as receiving “coins”. They add nothing at all to language acquisition.
I broke my streak repeatedly, and later discovered that listening to a video does not generate progress. You have to go to line mode, then advance through each line manually. As far as I am concerned it’s bug as it is very tedious watching a video for half an hour, and then having to switch to line mode and manually forward through every line until I reach the current one.
Whilst streaks can be seen as a way to encourage the learner to do their lessons each day, the cynic in me sees it as a way to increase user addiction and hence profit. That said, I have almost reached 300 days in French and German …
As for the D word, don’t get me started on that *%£@&?<!.
You are not a cynic, LeifGoodwin, we all know that streaks are a way to increase user addiction & profits, only the LingQ family does not seem to understand that it is so obvious… That’s why they don’t want to disable streaks.