Brand New LingQ 4.0 for Android!

Looks great! Lots of new improved features. Within the Vocabulary review section, on the front vocab side, I’m not able to view the phrase asdociated with the word, even though the settings show it enabled. I enabled them all for front and back and I don’t see the phrase option on either side, just the word, hint, and status. I restarted the app after the config changes, and still didn’t see the phrase on front or back. On the web version on my phone, it displays the phrase. I have a Samsung Galaxy 8 running Android 7. Thanks!

tried this it did not work.

It doesn’t work on the Lessons page but should work on your profile page. It does for me.

You are right, that’s a bug. We will get it fixed, thanks for letting us know.

Great, thanks!

By the way, if you are enjoying the new Android App, please share the love and give us a 5 star review. It will make us feel good, but, more importantly, help others find our app on the Play Store. Thanks!
You can find the app listing here

Is there any way to clean the cache?
I have found and deleted old mp3 files manually from the folder which was used by the previous version. But the new application stores the data somewhere else.

An option to clean up the mp3 files will be added to the settings screen, just like the previous version. To prevent tracks from being deleted by the OS, we use the app’s internal data storage directory, not the cache. So to delete them in this current version you will have to delete the app’s data, which will delete all other data.

hey thanks i just gave this ago and it worked! thanks for your speedy reply

Ive had the app crash a few times. I think it can happen if I back-button out of the app while its audio player is active. Android just tells me, on occasion, that LingQ has stopped working.

This version seems to remove the handy playlists which the previous version supported. I don’t suppose there is some way to instantly empty the entire playlist? Also if there is a way to add an entire Course’s lessons to the playlist in the order they are in a course?

In this version it seems I am forever fiddling with the playlist because I cannot juggle content like I used to.

We do receive crash reports so hopefully we will be able to identify and fix that issue. With regard to playlists, the new playlist feature which is a single synced playlist across devices has replaced the old multi playlist, device dependant playlist feature. We think this is a much better way of managing your audio since it allows you to access and listen to the same lessons no matter which device/platform you are on. The audio is to have your active lessons in your playlist and to add and remove lessons as you move on.
Just as before, lessons can only be added individually and not by course. Keep in mind that any lessons added to a playlist have their audio downloaded automatically which could be problematic if users accidentally downloaded a long course. The idea again is to have lessons you are actively listening to in your Playlist at any time.
What is it that you would like to be able to do that you are not able to do now?

Until now I have been rotating my content - being older playlists, typically consisting of many short podcast entries, I would re-listen to once in a while. So they were handily all separate playlists (one for each course).

With the new app, every time I go out and intend on listening to content while walking, I spend a few minutes removing the old and adding whatever content I want to listen to. Its not a big deal, but where previously I only ‘managed playlists’ when I added new content, now I’ve been managing it every time I listen on my phone.

Also, just a side point - I havent noticed that my Playlist lessons automatically download their content. Any lessons still showing a ‘circle’ cant be played from the Playlist unless I click into the lesson to view it first. ie: If I highlight any lesson without downloaded audio and hit the playlist play button, it just plays another one which has audio instead of the highlighted one.

At any rate I’ve somewhat solved my playlist dilemma mentioned in this post, after some consideration. I’ve simply put all the content I might want to re-listen to on my playlist and sorted it by course. Now if I’m going out, I just scroll to wherever I’d like to begin listening and hit play.

EDIT: Nevermind the playlist content not downloading. I usually listen while walking and so my WiFi is off. In the Settings I found the toggle to allow playlists to download while not on WiFi and its downloading properly now.

Great. Sounds like you have things figured out. Yes, you do have to adjust the way you use the playlist but we think this is clearer and easier for most users. I was going to say, you need to give enough time for the audio to download or turn on downloading through your cellular connection.

Great stuff. The Android app is very handy and makes it easy to get study done while commuting!

it’s fantastic. much, much faster and a cleaner UI

A newly imported text and the same problem. When I installed Lingq on another mobile phone (Samsung J5 2017) it was all the same. I make imports from a computer. What is wrong? I had never had this problem before installing the new app.

If you can’t solve it, can you tell me how can I return to the previous mobile app?

I was wondering how to go back to the previous version as well…at least on my phone. It crashes multiple times a day and I just don’t think my older phone can handle it.

It really is very good. Thank you!

Have you tried those lessons on the web as well? Are they strange there too? Imported lessons seem to be working fine for me. Did you import from the import page or using the browser extensions? Do you have imported lessons for which this does not happen? Do you have library lessons for which this does happen? I suspect it is more a problem to do with the app on your phone than it is a problem with imports but don’t know for sure. I also notice you have a very long title and course title there, I wonder if that is causing the problem. How does the lesson look on the next page? Does it still not fit?