Auto generate translation is often attaching the translations to the wrong sentences!

As my title says, in the desktop version of LinqQ there is the option to show translations in the reader mode. When I click on this and then click on the auto generate translation with AI option the translations are attached to the wrong target language sentence.

See my screenshot. The translation attached to each trarget language sentence is actually the translation of the next sentence.


In case it helps here is one (private) lesson where this is happening to me:

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Thanks for reporting, I asked our team to look into this.


Hi @jamespratt !
Thank you for pointing this out. It seems that when the lesson’s title is an untranslatable word (or combination) it can cause shifting the translation for a sentence. It will be fixed.


Yeah this function didn’t work for me so I just didn’t use it. I probably should have reported it instead of just not using it.

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