Android App Update

Thanks, Alex, I read the instructions and will try this tomorrow.

Its working for me after the update. That said it was working on the previous version after I archived most of my lessons. I still have a rather short list of lessons that are active so I’ll try unarchiving those lessons and see if the error shows up again. When I was getting the error it would consistently and immediately show up every time I opened the application so I should know if it is working pretty quickly after unarchiving.

OK, so I’ve unarchived a lot of lessons and it is still working. This is great, thank you.

I do have a couple of questions though… I noticed that the word splitting doesn’t work the same way in the Android app. For example, in the 1st chapter of Steve’s book 荘子 gets highlighted as one word on the website but within the Android app it is split. Also, in previous versions of the app the flashcard data wasn’t syncing properly. It would seem to sync properly at first but then revert back later on. I think it may have had something to do with using the app while offline. Has that issue been addressed yet?

Otherwise the app seems to be working well. After the lesson loads up everything is very responsive, much better than using the website on my phone.

Thanks for the feedback about the splitting issue, we’ll be sure to look into this one!

The flashcard syncing issue isn’t yet resolved, but we’re working to have that one resolved in the next version (eugrus will be happy when this comes around :P).

Glad to hear that the app is improving! We’ve been working hard on it the past couple of months and have been very pleased at the progress we’ve made. It shouldn’t be too much longer before it’s finally on par with the iPhone app :slight_smile:

@Alex can I just hijack this thread really quickly? Are you planning on providing iPad support to the iPhone app?

Edit: Also, on the android app, I keep getting a network connection lost message. Just so you know …

@CaptainAmerica - Instead, we’re working on making the site itself more friendly on mobile devices, so no immediate plans for an iPad supported version of iLingQ.

For the Android app, have you updated to the most recent version? If you’re still getting the error, send me an email and I’ll forward you a list of instructions on how to send us the error log file.

FYI, I tried using the app while not connected to WiFi for the first time since the latest update today. I did have network access but it was a slow connection - 2G. I got the network connection error, which I expected… but then my lesson list is blank, which I didn’t expect since I had previously opened lessons while connected on WiFi. Also, something must have been sent from the Android app to the server because when I logged into the website I had -4 words known for the day. I had not done anything on LingQ prior to that today so there should have been nothing in my stats. Perhaps the network connection error and the offline sync issue are somehow related?

The weird thing about the sync issue is it seems to sync my listening data just fine. Its the status of the LingQs that seems to get messed up from using the app.

The network connection error is, from what I know, related to the app timing out, hence why it appeared on your 2G connection. The flashcard status error is actually a known issue, but we’re looking to have this fixed in the next version of the app. There is another bug related to the lesson list, and this one should also be fixed in the next version. Looks like you stumbled across three bugs in a matter of a few minutes :wink:

I just installed the android app, and my Spanish lessons keep crashing :frowning:

@chumnutzly - The crash report should automatically be sent to us, so we’ll take a look and see what might be causing this.
