Android App Update

That is how it works currently. We are continuing to improve the Android app so may be able to get it to work the way you describe in the future.

We’ve still got some work to do on the app with regard to bug fixes and performance enhancements, but we’ll see what we can do here.

EDIT: Looks like Mark beat me to it :wink:

So… I saw that a new update has been released (v 2.2.2) so I went ahead and installed it. I’m still getting the same connection error as before. I also tried clearing the app data and signing back in.

Anyway, just for the hell of it I decided I would see if the app would work with another language. I started a lesson in French and then opened the app on my phone and switch the language to French. Works great with French. I don’t get the error, the lessons load, the LingQs show up, I can use the flash cards. Unfortunately I am not studying French, I’m studying Japanese. I switch it back to Japanese and I get connection errors again.

Is there anything I can do to better describe this issue?

Thanks for the update on this. We’re still having trouble reproducing this connection error, so would someone who was getting the error in 2.2.1 try updating to 2.2.2 and try another (or a new) language slot to see if it works?

@ Cgreen0038: I think that it works in French for you because you have only one lesson and the load is light.

@3kingdoms - It looks like you are correct. After archiving almost all of my lessons it will bring up my lesson list and I can open the lessons.

@alex - I also tried loading up the entire Linguist book in French and my lesson list still comes up in French. That would seem to indicate that the number of LingQs matter, not the number of lessons. I know all of you hate it when a user says this thing or that should be easy to fix but I have to say I’m rather surprised that none of you could even reproduce the issue. To be honest, I didn’t try this earlier because I figured that would have been one of the first things one of you would have tested. I only decided to try it out so I could reply to 3kingdoms and say that wasn’t the case. Looks like I shouldn’t have assumed as much.

@cgreen0038 - It’s difficult to nail down exactly what is causing it. I tried it on my own account as well (I have somewhere over 5k LingQs for Korean and over 100 active lessons) but am still unable to reproduce the issue. I wouldn’t have expected the active lessons to affect this, since it only displays the most recent 30 active lessons and everything else is ignored. It’s good to know what it appears to be working properly for you now though. Would some of the others be able to try archiving lessons as well to see if that fixes it? This should help us to narrow down what we should be looking for.

Could you clone the account of someone who it doesn’t work for and test that account?

You can clone my account of you wish, as it still doesn’t work for me

@odiernod - Would you be able to try what cgreen0038 did and open up a new language slot to see if that works? I’d like to confirm whether it’s related to the account or to the device, and I’m curious to see whether you can replicate the same results.

Hey alex, what exactly would you like me to do, open an “empty language”, set up a bunch of lessons, but not make any lingqs and then see if it works?

Maybe we should compare the settings and look if there is a difference. Beside the Flash Card Front and Flash Card Back I have everything disabled.

I’ve tried to switch between my languages and they all seem to work after I’ve restarted the wifi connection of my tablet. I tried English, French and Dutch.
Longer lessons need lot of time for “Fetching Text” but is acceptable (1 minutes for a lesson with 30 minutes of audio). Playing the audio requires long time before it starts too (2 minutes for 30 minutes of audio). It would be helpful to see how far the progress of uploading on the device is done.

What really is confusing me is not to see any blue words.

@odiernod - Just try opening up a couple of lessons in French or Russian for example, then see if switching to that language slot in the app gives you the same network connection error. Thanks!

@VeraI - The speed of the audio download is primarily based on your connection speed, so if you’re connected to wifi then it should be quicker. Regarding blue words, they have actually never appeared in the app.

Hey Alex, I opened up German, added 8 beginner lessons, and then the app pulled them up fine with no problems.

However, when I switch back to one of my more active languages, the error comes back.

@Alex: I’m on a wifi connection. I think the time is ok considering how long the text and the audio is that I’ve tried. Shorter lessons load faster.

Do you have any plans showing the blue words too?

@odiernod - Excellent, thank you. I’ll let you know if we need any additional info!

@VeraI - OK, great. milanmaras brought up the issue of playing the audio while the file is downloading. Once we address some other more pressing issues, we’ll see if we can take care of this as well. For the blue words, we have no immediate plans to add the ability to create LingQs in the app, so the blue words will be misleading since you won’t be able to do anything with them. I may suggest reading on the site itself if you would like to see the blue words highlighted as well.

@odiernod, mikebond, cgreen0038 - We’ve just uploaded version 2.2.3 which includes a fix (hopefully!) for the network error. Please download the update and let us know if you still have the same problem. The app can be found here:

success, everything now pulls up fine for me.

Not for me. :frowning: I did manage to open a few lessons but the error keeps occurring too often. Moreover, the LingQs of the Day pages don’t load.

@mikebond - I sent over a list of instructions to follow which should help us figure out why this is still happening on your device.