And Canucks won!

Thanks dooo. I found it funny. thanks again for bringing this video in. I think this guy is going to leave Vancouver with a sour taste in his mouth. LOL!

Canucks won 3-2 in OT. ANother close game . Now the final moves to Boston. by the way, can anyone explain me what Thomas was doing so far out of his net during the OT goal? . Anyway, Canucks takes 2-0 series lead. Awesome! I heard that Mark and Steve are already prepared to attend the parade next week and they will also be giving some free gifts to all Lingq members! That would be great!

It was indeed another big win for Vancouver! Very exciting come from behind overtime win! I have to go Sweden until Friday tomorrow and Steve is still in Russia so we may miss the parade if it happens next week… I’m sure Boston will win a game here and make it interesting…

Thomas is a very aggressive goalie and attacked Burrows on the winning goal. That’s how he always plays and that’s why Burrows faked a shot and went around him then got around the net to tuck it home. Thomas is always out of the net and that’s what makes him successful.

What a crazy game! Hope Hortons okay, that was a cheap head shot.

Wow! Bruins won 8-1. Unreal. I agree that was a cheap hit by Rome. He should get suspended for that. Much worse than Burrows bite although that was a stupid thing to do. We’ll see in game 4…

How are the Canuckleheads today ? :slight_smile:

Not good… but there doesn’t seem to be any carryover from one game to the next in this series. They’ll still do it in 7 much to the Canuck haters chagrin! :slight_smile:

Hi, doo! Very confident! There is not way for the Canucks to lose a Final 7 game at home > You will see Luongo come to life one more time playing his best game ever! Enjoy it! LOL!

The Canucks don’t even deserve to be in the finals, they could barely get passed the Kings with the Kings’ best player injured. The amount of luck Vancouver has amazes me:

-I’ve already mentioned the silly Cannots and making it to the finals

-Steve is cutting down all the trees and yet Vancouverinos (what the heck do we call you guys anyway) can still breathe

-Benny recently spoke there

-they got to watch team Canadia (yes Canadia you’ve been renamed) get lucky against team USA in the olympics in their own city!

It must be the lax marijuana laws or the pride that comes with being Lingq Central, that makes Vancouver so undeservedly fortunate. What the heck is a Vancouver anyway? Here in SW USA we just let the Mexicans name all the cities, it makes much more sense…

AND SOMETHING ELSE! Why are Kings fans routing for the Van-loser Cannots? WE’RE IN THE SAME CONFERENCE THE ELIMINATED US!! More evidence for why LA people have no business having a hockey team. Dodger fans would never route for the Giants…

Anyway that’s my rant that has nothing to do language and barely anything to do with hockey…

The Canucks have been lucky and Boston is not the best team they have faced in the Stanley Cup playoffs, Chicago was, in my view. The Bruins have been allowed to intimidate the Canucks, with the acquiescence of the referees. They can punch, slash and spear the top players on the Canucks, during play and after the whistle, and this is either ignored by the referees or at best both the offending Bruin and the Canuck player who got slashed or punched get penalties. The videos on youtube of Marchand repeatedly punching Sedin, knowing that Sedin will not retaliate, or Thomas spearing Sedin in the groin with his goalie stick, all after the play, show how the NHL is allowing its product to be cheapened by goons. I have no respect for the way the Bruins have played, and less for the league. The whining from some quarters about Burrows biting the finger of a player who was shoving his glove in his face is just a joke in my view.

Rome’s hit on Horton was not a dirty hit, just a late hit. The league tolerates late hits all the time, and the decision on when is too late is at best vague. On the other hand players who have deliberately hit people from behind, or aimed elbows at their heads, have received one game suspensions. Rome got four.

The son of the NHL official responsible for discipline plays for Boston. The Eastern clique that runs the NHL wants the cup in Boston. It will take a lot for the Canucks to win it. I must say that I am thoroughly put off by the third rate way the league runs its affairs, in its pathetic desire to build up a market for hockey in the US, where hockey is usually below billiards, bowling and poker in television ratings.

I was not aware that Benny spoke in Vancouver recently. I will refrain from further comment on that subject.

I root for Vancouver, yes, and I spell it “root”. I have never seen this alternate spelling “rout”. I am not going to be judgmental and say it is wrong, I will just say that it is weird. But hey, weird is cool, right?

I might add that the hit on Mason Raymond which seriously injured him, was also interference, since Raymond had not touched the puck. No penalty, no suspension. The NHL, unfortunately, is a joke. I predict that in ten years European/Russian hockey will take over, and the NHL will lose its preeminent position as the top professional hockey league in the world.

I refer you to the instigator rule:
"46.11 Instigator - An instigator of an altercation shall be a player who by his actions or demeanor demonstrates any/some of the following criteria: distance traveled; gloves off first; first punch thrown; menacing attitude or posture; verbal instigation or threats; conduct in retaliation to a prior game (or season) incident; obvious retribution for a previous incident in the game or season.

A player who is deemed to be the instigator of an altercation shall be assessed an instigating minor penalty, a major penalty for fighting and a ten-minute misconduct.

If the same player or goalkeeper is deemed to be the instigator of a second altercation in the same game, he shall be assessed an instigating minor penalty, a major penalty for fighting and a game misconduct.

When a player receives his third instigator penalty in one Regular season, he is automatically given a game misconduct following that third violation.

A player who is deemed to be both the instigator and aggressor of an altercation shall be assessed an instigating minor penalty, a major penalty for fighting, a ten-minute misconduct (instigator) and a game misconduct penalty (aggressor).


Don Cherry is right on this one. Pip squeak pests like Marchand would be out of commission if there were no extra penalty for starting a fight.

I do not think European/Russian hockey will take over. Even in those countries, soccer is king. If that style were somehow to take over in North America, other than in the Olympics, hockey would become even less popular.

Whoops, routing a team means to beat them easily or by a lot, rooting is the correct word…

I think the world of soccer and hockey are just going to have to understand that the US isn’t going to embrace those sports like certain people would like them to.

The MLS and NHL should just be happy to have Chris Sarda as a fan…

Who is Benny?

who cares…

Boston clearly outclassed the Canucks. Not even close.

I agree that the officiating has been in bostons favor (slightly), but the bruins outplayed, and just had way more heart than the canucks. They deserved the cup! Tim Thomas played his a** off!!! Luongo has definately seen better days.

My wife hates all sports so i promised her if the bruins won i wouldnt watch any sports till the baseball playoffs. (more time on lingq!) It was worth it! Honestly, I think playoff hockey is the most exciting thing going.

Hi, Steve. I totally agree with you. On the other hand, Luongo was a very inconsistent goalie. In my back country, people would say about his performance that he was a complete “spy” (meaning he was other Boston’s player wearing the Canucks uniform).

Well, now I will be rooting for Toronto Blue Jays! Go,Jays,GO …LOL!

I grew up playing a lot of baseball. I was an excellent center field with a great glove but a poor bat!. Since i remember I have been a Boston Red Sox fan . However, I am now living in Canada. In fact, I am also a Canadian citizen, so I can not help but support the only Canadian team in MLB.