And Canucks won!

Please, I would like to ask all of you to let me congratulate Mark and Steve on Vancouver Canucks’ victory over Chicago in NHL playoffs . There was a rumor in Vancouver that they both had chewed all their nails watching the game. LOL! …I hope Canucks are able to make a run to the Stanley Cup this year …We’ll see! … Enjoy the moments guys!

Thanks Humberto. It has been quite a ride and continues tonight.

We appreciate the good wishes Humberto. My nails are ok but I almost through something through the tv a few times…We hope this round will go more smoothly!

LOL!.. You know Mark, I watched the whole game. It was fantastic. Chicago was a terrific contender …I do not know why, but I have the felling that this time it will be easier fir the Canucks to move forward. After all, you are talking about the NHL team that had the best record this year.throughout the regular season. They only need just a little bit of good luck, and of course that Luongo stays in a good mood!! LOL! … Good luck!!!

I think it is the Capitals’ year. Sorry to say the Canucks will lose to the Sharks in the 3rd round.

The team I’m worried about is the Red Wings. I don’t see the sharks myself.

Next season will be a “Leafs season”.

But this season, I bet in Red Wings too.

Although I am a Red Wings fan, I am looking forward to a possible Canucks vs. Wings conference finals! I think it would be much more exciting and the other potential match ups. I have always enjoyed watching the Canucks and Red wings matches over the years and I think this year the Wings can go all the way again, that is as long as we don’t see a replay of last year’s semifinals!

Lucky you! I don’t have any possibilities here to watch NHL. Just World Championships.

I can’t see NHL and the World Championships =/

I am sorry dooo. Nobody saw the Capitals meltdown coming. However, being ousted early from the playoffs should have been expected from the Washington Capitals (I mean, historically it 's been this way) . By the way, The Red Wings seems to be following the same pathway. Crazy Hockey things!! Very Cool!!!


“Nobody saw the Capitals meltdown coming” That’s for sure. 4 games? Yikes. I picked them because they were strong at the end of the regular season and they handled NY very easily.

I think the Capitals need a playoff goalie before they get anywhere, eg. Tim Thomas or even a Roloson (Tampa Bay’s goalie).

I think that Roloson is back in the mix is the best story of this playoffs. He took the OIlers to the finals a few years ago, and even then he was considered old.

Speaking of goalies, and defense in general, it is getting tiresome watching the Canucks squander leads.

Anyway, my revised picks are San Jose over Boston in the finals.

I would not disagree with your picks.

Except that I have not seen enough of Tampa, they might beat Boston. I have seen enough of the Canucks to doubt that they can get past San Jose.

Go, Canucks, Go… One more win and Canucks will be in the final. Sweet!.. Next game will be in Vancouver, so Champaign is in the freezer guys! Do not let it get frozen!

look for sj to win 3 straight :slight_smile:

dooo, there are time when we agree, occasionally, even more than occasionally, but rarely have you exhibited such poor judgment, and poor taste. Not even in jest can allow such provocation to go unchallenged.

Pas question! とんでもない!

Especially now that Henrik Sedin is showing his MVP form.

Thanks Humberto, I am thinking of banishing dooo from the forum.

methinks the canucks fan doth protest too much

Actually it would be great for the city (I live in Vancouver) if they won the Cup. So for that reason I am kind of a Canucks fan… but my life-long allegiance is to the Leafs… something I don’t usually like to admit in public.

I don’t really follow the NHL, but I was just reading news in finnish and saw a newsarticle about a Finn who scored 2 goals for the Canucks in 16 seconds. So I think because of that it’s safe for me to say “go canucks”…at least for now.

Also, congrats to all the Finns here for winning the ice hockey world championship just over a week ago :slight_smile:

Sami Salo is one awesome Finn, and congratulations to the Finns for winning the world championship. They sure know how to finish around the net:) Maybe we will have Finnish here at LingQ one day!