Hello, There is a problem with AI translations from tonight. AI translations into the Hebrew language do not work and instead of a translation into Hebrew, a translation of the word into the English language appears. This happens even when the language of the text I am reading is English. Also, sometimes no translation appears or the translation loads very slowly. Until tonight, the translations worked very well and in most cases were accurate. AI translations are necessary for me as a Hebrew speaker, since there are almost no community translations into the Hebrew language. Without AI translations I can hardly learn with the site.
It’s possible that your dictionary language got reset to English. You can adjust that in the reader settings menu
but google translate translates to Hebrew and the flag near the AI translation is the correct flag (of Israel). And still only the AI translation appears in English.
Same thing happens to me. Dictionary shows designated(Korean) language but AI translation is written in English. There might be a technical issue?
I’m experiencing the same issue and hope it can be fixed as soon as possible.
Same here with Danish and German: Since yesterday all AI sugestions are in Englisch, single words and phrases. Tested with Firefox (PC) and iOS.
@zoran : Please have a look.
Same here with Frensh. The first suggestion is in english, the others are OK / in German.
The English terms are unfortunately also taken as German to the vocabulary.
I have this issue for weeks. The ai translation is randomly choosen between German and English. This affects all types of translation, and sometimes a translation even consists of a mixture of both languages. I have reported this I think over a month ago and was told that this will be looked into, which after one year of LingQ experience is LingQ code for “We may or may not bother with it.”
I have the same issue
And what is funny - in one lesson I get correct translation to Russian, on other - to English))
earlier this problem coulb be solved by reloading the lesson. But now it doesn´t help
I checked my settings. Everything is set to german correclty. The contextual AI translations were in german a few days ago. Now every translation is in english. I am shure it is a server side problem.
Same for me as well. Just a +1
Did anyone else notice that all the technical issues started once they added ai features? Could it be the day … when the machines rise.
I’ll be back.
Sorry to hear that. We are looking into this.
No. There were always technical problems. When AI translation started the relevance of the website and the quality of its use increased significantly, especially for languages that do not have community translations. AI translation from Russian, Persian and English to Hebrew was accurate. He expressed a correct understanding of the text, something that cannot be guaranteed in community translations.
Thank you very much. AI translation that works well is essential for users who speak Hebrew as a native language and other languages that do not have community translations nor good online dictionaries. I hope the problem can be solved soon.
I definitely agree. I’m not a fan of bugs and issues but they didn’t increase with AI at all!
Same for me since yesterday. Native language is German, and for Japanese and Swedish I now get AI translations in English instead of German and for English I get AI translations in what seems to be Italian.
My language settings are correct, besides the AI translation in the wrong language there always appears a German flag. So LingQ knows that I want German.
What also might help finding the bug: LingQ itself (i.e. the user interface) is set to English by me because its German translation is really bad.
I would also suggest, to put the AI translation on the bottom. For me it appears with around a one second delay and I really often click the AI translation by accident because it appears the moment I touch the screen. Now that it is broken that problem is much more annoying. The AI translation also often (at least 50% for me) doesn’t translate the single word but the combination of two words.
Same issue here with German. Since the day before yesterday or so all AI translations are to English and not to German as it used to be before.
I have the same issue. I hope they will fix this bug soon.
Same problem, AI translations are into English, not Polish.