Same problem, not Korean
This should be fixed now. Thanks everyone for reporting the issue.
The problem still presists.
What language combination you still have a problem with?
I learn Korean with my native language set to German and get English translations almost half of the time.
I learn Ukrainian with the interface set to German. The contextual AI translation is in English roughly 20% (estimation not actually measured) of the time while the rest is correctly in German. It was 100% English before it has been fixed. So there has been an improvement.
Danish German is fixed. Many thanks!
Should be all fixed now. Thanks again everyone.
Nope, the error still occours.
@Obsttorte Sorry to hear that. Is it still the problem for Korean to German language combination?
Yes. Besides that even the translations to German still suffer the same issues as has been reported several times.
- more words translated then the selected one
- other words translated but the selected one
- if one word is translated, the translation, even if semantically connected, is often of the wrong word category (so a verb instead of a noun for example)
- a lot of plain wrong translations
In addition to that, if I select a phrase I often either get no translation, or just a single word, or something that doesn’t make any sense at all.
One day the translation (Persian/English/Russian - Hebrew) worked fine and today the AI translation works very slowly and cannot be used. The translation is displayed half a minute or more after clicking on the word. It does not translate phrases of two or more words at all. When it worked, the phrase translation was excellent and very helpful.
We are looking into that. Thanks for reporting.
Since a few days the suggested translations are often cut off, meaning that the last characters are missing. The cut-off often appears mid-word.
I have the same problem and AI is so important for me.
In the meantime this problem has been solved, but there is a new problem. the AI translation is cut off. many times half words are displayed.
Sorry to hear that. We are investigating the problem.