I like to split my epubs into chapters before uploading them to LingQ. I create a course and add the chapters (lessons) to it. The problem: if the book has 30 chapters, I have to do this 30 times. It’s repetitive and tiring.
My Free Course Uploader extension might be able to help you.
Not possible at the moment, unfortunately, you need to add one at a time. We will see if that’s something we can work on in the future.
I think you’re looking to do the same thing i’m trying to do. Currently, i can upload an epub to LingQ, but rather than split each lesson by chapter, it seems to split it after so many words. For example, i uploaded a book with 29 chapters and got a course with 12 lessons in it, where each lesson had multiple chapters. That’s not the behavior i expected, i assumed it would split the epub into individual chapters as defined by the epub’s manifest. So instead, i had to upload the 29 chapters individually, one at a time.
Being able to upload multiple lessons at once as you suggest here would be a nice alternative, though ideally the epub importing would handle it automatically.
roosterburton’s extension may be able to help simplify the process a bit in the meantime, so i’ll give that a try.