đź“š LingQ Book Challenge

We have a new challenge!

Whether you’re reading your eighth book in your target language or about to start reading your first, the LingQ Book Challenge will keep you motivated and on track.

It’s super easy to get set up:

  • Choose a book from our language library or import your own.
  • Track your progress as your progress bar fills up with every page you read.
  • Get encouraging notifications to keep you on track, and interact with fellow learners in the forum to discuss your book or share tips.
  • Earn the exclusive LingQ Book Challenge badge when you finish your book to display on your profile.

What are you reading? I’m going with Harry Potter à L’École des Sorciers


This is a brilliant initiative. I am just about to finish the Korean YA novel I started a month ago, but I will sign up as soon as I start a new one next month!


Excellent! How’s the current novel? Great username by the way :clap:


I’m trying to sign up for the challenge but running into a problem.
“Imported courses must be tagged “Book” to appear in this list”
How do I add a tag onto a course?

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I’ve just finished 2 books and I’m in the middle of TV series. Next book is already ready I think, unless I buy another one first.

I don’t understand where the signing up is, though.

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If you go into your book as a course, there is a three dot circular menu. After choosing edit course, you’ll see options to add tags. I’m not sure whether it’s necessary to tag the course as a whole, or each lesson. I did both. Screen shots below.


Nice one! You can find the challenges in the “Community” tab. Here’s the Book Challenge.

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What about joining this challenge with more than one language, more than one book?


Unfortunately right now it’s one book at a time.


This is awesome! I wish it was around a few months ago when I was reading easier books :rofl: Now I’m reading Os Maias and it’s taking FOOOOOREEEEEVERRRRRR!!! :joy: :rofl:

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right, thanks. I’ve added the next book to the challenge. I usually delete them after I read them. I don’t think I will remember to do this process all the time but it’s good to know.

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It’s really good. It’s about a high school student accused of causing her best friend’s death. Only a few chapters to go, then I’ll sign up for the challenge with a new book.:grin:


This is a really great idea and I hope to see more development on this idea from LingQ in the future. Perhaps make this a monthly thing, or allow users to choose one book from each language they’re studying. I like that it’s a challenge but there’s no pressure from a countdown and that everyone finishes in the same spot (100%). Community-oriented but non-competitive.


It is true that this challenge is different from the others in that there is no competition with others… you are in competition with yourself! Your point about there being no deadline is a good one. The issue there though is that some people are reading tomes and others novellas :thinking:


I just finished my fifteenth novel in French. I’m not interested in a formal LingQ challenge, that’s just what I do.

IMO fiction is the best all-around, bang-for-the-buck reading experience. You get all sorts of grammar, vocabulary,descriptions, typical speech, expressions and idioms. Plus some sense of one’s target language written well.


The only importing I have been successful with is YT videos imported using my Android phone. I don’t understand how to import from other sources. Any guidance please? Can anyone recommend source for Russian texts worth importing? Thx

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Great idea! Do you get the option to add another book once you’ve completed the challenge?


Yep, you can add another book as soon as you’re done :smiley:


this post explains how to import all kinds of content. Let me know if you have any specific questions or issues. Thanks https://www.lingq.com/blog/complete-guide-importing-lingq/

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Did my first short book through the new challenge, it’s a great set up. will be using again