In sentence mode while watching a YT video. When I expand the video it goes to top centre as shown in image below. That’s fine I’m happy with the layout.
Heya Zoran
I did a little digging and seem to have found the problem. Upon inspection of the underlying html, It looks like a bit of bug.
In sentence mode, when choosing either left or right buttons to move forward or backwards or when choosing the circular play button in the middle of the screen. The html that wraps around the Youtube video iframe changes.
I’ve added a couple of screen shots below to show the code in question. Any of the developers should be able to hone right in on the problem.
Here it is displaying correctly. You can see the class highlighted called “video-wrapper”. This helps display the YT video properly.
When the next or back button is selected the code changes to below image. You can clearly see the “video-wrapper” class is missing from the highlighted section. When I manually add back in the class reference, it displays properly. But unfortunately, moving to the next or previous sentence recreates the problem.