Youtube Music Videos and Copyrights

Hi, New here - this is my first question.

I have been a big fan of Asian pop music, especially Mandarin. I want to incoprporate songs into my learning. One of my current favorite songs Ai Shi Ni Wo by Dao Lang & Yun Duo & Wang Han Yi. Makes a good lesson. Even I understand about 1/4 of it (and I am really a beginner).

So I sought and found the lyrics and a pinyin and ran it through Google translate and made a lesson for myself. Is it illegal to share this (it would be great to get some clarification)? What about just sharing the links to the Youtube MV, another to the lyrics?

Proliferating it without asking the rightholder would be illegal, yes. However, just sharing a link to it wouldn’t qualify as any wrongdoing in most jurisdictions. Any translation is a derivative work, hence you have to ask the rightholder of the original work before you distribute yours.

Well, I would be interested in this as well, because I thought you could not share music from YouTube. I would share the text and the link to the YouTube video, but I thought that this was illegal. If not, I would be happy to share some of my favorite Dutch bands.

Sharing copyrighted lyrics without permission would be illegal just as well as with any other copyrighted work.

As far as I know, you cannot share the lyrics and the songs as LingQ lessons (that is, in the LingQ Library), but you can post links to the youtube videos or to the pages with the lyrics, on the Exchange page or on your wall.
You can also import them as lessons for private use (free members have a limit of 5 private lessons, though).

@rhyssan - You’re welcome to import these for private use. I am not familiar with copyrights on lyrics, but in order to share these songs as lessons on LingQ you will need to add an mp3 audio file to the lesson, and you likely would not have permission to share the mp3 file.

@silviad - I believe sharing music on YouTube is illegal. The reason there is copyrighted music published on YouTube is that the original copyright holders have not filed an infringement complaint, therefore YouTube naturally assumes permission was granted. It is in most cases the role of the copyright holder to protect their copyright, and this is how big sites like YouTube approach the issue.