YouTube Import still not working & hours studied not registering

As the title suggests and many others have mentioned, I still cannot import from YouTube.

I sometimes have success importing from the google chrome extension. However It’s not particularly convenient as my primary device for studying is my iPad, so I have to go onto my computer import the content and then listen/read on my iPad.

Additionally transcripts are sometimes doubling the text for some reason. Making following things when listening, basically impossible because its so out of sync, also causing sentence mode to be very cumbersome to use as one of the double lines will not play the audio meaning I have to skip every other page.

Possibly not a related issue but it feels like the problem occurred at around the same time. Where my hours of study are completely off or just wont register any time at all. I’m not too bothered by this really as the only stat I ever even look at is word count, but thought id mention it.

I didn’t really want to post this, as i’d rather be studying but the sheer volume of issues I’m running into at the moment is difficult to ignore. I really like LingQ but given that YouTube is the main way I use LingQ it’s become quite frustrating.


idk about the hours but the rest has also happened to me


I’ve also run into the hours not being recorded for the past two fays, it seems like it’s working on and off so the daily hours listening count is not registering properly sigh

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