Youtube Import not possible

It looks like selecting “transcript source” > whisper AI (if available) from the plugin works. I don’t know how accurate it is though. Trying it now.

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Status update on my import with the Whisper AI option: The import ultimately failed.

In another thread, I saw that people were having better luck with videos that already had manually-written subtitles instead of automatic captions. I don’t know if that experience is consistent, but it might be worth experimenting.

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They no longer support direct import:

They couldn’t even be bothered to mention that in this thread. Instead they are happy for users to carry on trying and failing.


I can’t access your link. EDIT: Found it in another thread.

On the matter: in the end people will state their opinion on LingQ with their wallets.

Thank you, it was my fault, I must have accidentally deleted a couple of characters, I have corrected the link.

Is it a joke ? So we have now to lost couple of minutes to add just one fking video ?


This is not a real replacement for a key feature of Lingq. The manual import of a video is time-consuming and probably not feasible for some people at all. Also, video and text don’t seem to be put together properly. When I add a video after the instructions and play it, the text is no longer underlined, so that I quickly lose the overview.
I had just decided to subscribe for a year after one month of testing. The import of YouTube videos is for me the most important reason to work with Lingq. As it looks now, I will think about it again. real shame.



For me the advantage of LingQ is direct access to a dictionary and copying the current line. If it becomes cumbersome to use, I might as well just watch YouTube directly, use the auto translated subtitles and lookup individual words online. Why waste time.

LingQ has so many bugs anyway, and when I talked with one staff member about some of the worst bugs, he failed to understand one, and dismissed others, which didn’t give a good impression. I can watch an hour long video and get zero words added to my words read count, that’s officially not a bug.

I’m now Advanced 2 in French and nearly Intermediate 1 in German, so I might get to I2 in German, it will take a week, then leave even though I recently renewed.


It was unique and useful feature of Lingq, we were promoting the application to our friends and coworkers just because of that…I hope as a language leaner Steve would read reviews and corrects the nonsense decision…At the end of the day he has been learning Turkish and it is really hard to find Turkish metarial without subtitles on youtube …:slight_smile:


An update regarding YT importing:


This information is well hidden on forum. Why not to publish it in Updates section?
And with this captions… its it would be nice when AI could apply some formatting to the text, divide into sentences, place dots and kommas.


Thanks to another user poster on this forum, I discovered that if I turn on subtitles, then import, the import works. Almost every video of interest to me has subtitles Should I have known this before? Is it obvious to everyone else here?