Youtube import is working again

Good news. YouTube import is back. Not sure why it wasn’t announced. However, it is the automatically generated YouTube subs that get imported, instead of a whisper transcript being generated.


Same observation for me (with the firefox add-on). :slight_smile:

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Hasn’t the import of videos with subs worked all the time? At least on my end there were no issues.

Did it? The automatic YouTube captions are brand new for my language. I thought YouTube forbids Lingq to grab the video. But the Video appears in Lingq also together with the YouTube subtitles.

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The extension was giving errors last week and did not import videos. Then, it imported videos but went haywire with the videos that had auto transcription. For most of this week it’s been working but just taking YouTube’s subtitles, manual or automatic. So it’s not working in the sense of replacing automatic subtitled video with the much better Whisper AI transcription.

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Yes, importing works now. But it is very frustrating that Whisper generated subtitles don’t work anymore.
Youtube’s auto-generated subtitles are very bad and almost impossible to work with in sentences view.
I tried asking chat GPT to rewrite the subtitles with punctuation marks. and it works fine, then I added these new subtitles to the lesson with youtube videos. But the problem is that these subtitles don’t have timestamps and I have to edit them manually in the lesson settings to syncronise the video and subtitles. It takes to much time. Does anyone know a way to automatically synchronize subtitles and video?


Exactly. Import does work again on my iPad, but the YouTube subtitles are so poor that in German I’m not sure it is worth it. I need correct punctuation. I can manage in French as my level is much higher.

Manually editing subtitles is too much of a chore.

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Download the Youtube video and transcribe it using Faster Whisper XXL. The output is in srt format.

Well, I hope now that the video itself can be imported again, the Whisper transcriptions can be brought back. It is nicer than always having to download everything and convert it to MP3