YouTube Import Failure

Unfortunately it seems that YT importing is down, as I have tried to do so on both Safari and Chrome today and last night. No error message, it just displays ‘error’ in red in the Chrome extension. If I try it again, then it says the import is successful, but I go to the import and there are no words or any audio.

Any help would be appreciated as this is pretty much all I use LIngq for as it’s such an amazing feature. Thanks!


I am having exactly the same problem and it is fucking rage creation center. Hey someone at LingQ, fix this fucking problem. What the fuck am I paying for?

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Sorry for the inconvenience with importing of YT videos that occurred.
The functionality should work fine now. Please, post here if you are still facing any of the mentioned issues.

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I was never able to import a lesson directly from Youtube. Using Brave with the Chrome extension or from ios. Today I tried creating a lesson manually, adding an mp3 audio I downloaded and letting it transcribe. I tried after you said it should be solved. I tried 4 lessons, 1 was created, 3 failed.

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I tried another one just now and failed again.

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Hi @fabiothebest !
Can you please share some examples of YT videos, which cause problems?


This video for example:
I was trying to create lessons from all the videos in the playlist.


I tried creating other lessons. Episode 8, 9 an 10 of that tv series at the previous link. I saw something strange. It said that it failed and asked to delete them. Then I was about to do it, while I got the notification that generation was successful and it actually worked this time. Then I tried importing a lesson directly from the chrome extension (episode 11 of the tv series), I hope it will succeed. I’ll report back.


I have an update. I imported 3 lessons successfully by uploading the audio I manually downloaded from some youtube videos. I tried importing one of those videos by using the Chrome extension and it failed again. Strange. I don’t know why.

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As far as I can see all these videos have regional restrictions, which most likely affect their further processing.


Thanks for checking in. It seems those videos are restricted in China and a few other countried. Well, Youtube itself is blocked in China, moreover those videos are from a tv series and some streaming companies in China have the rights to broadcast it, it shouldn’t be uploaded on Youtube, because it may violate the copyright (I didn’t upload it). What I can say is that, although I didn’t check, I doubt Open AI will use Chinese servers for Whisper service, so geoblocking shouldn’t be an issue here. I am able to watch the videos from Italy and OpenAI might use US servers that should be able to access the content too. I know you replied in order to help and I do appreciate it. I didn’t try to import lessons from videos that don’t belong to that playlist. I will try and let you know.


I have an update. I tried to look for a random new video that I thought wouldn’t have any geo restriction and I also confirmed it by using the website you provided (it was a video by BBC China). Then out of curiosity I tried importing another video from the same playlist that seems to have some restrictions (the tv series). For importing both I used the Chrome extension. It took a long while to process and the result is: the BBC China video is correctly transcribed. The other one failed.

2 videos processing:

BBC news lesson imported:

Video from the same playlist that also had problems in the past failed to be imported:

I am not sure whether regarding import failure, it is just a coincidence or not that one video has some restrictions and the other one doesn’t.
I hope it helps devs to understand. Ideally I would like to be able to import any Youtube video. If the problem is in the video itself and there’s nothing to do I may put my mind at ease. I hope the service generally works.