YouTube Function that bad?

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to study with YouTube videos on IOS, and I totally not get the design choices of the YouTube Feature of LingQ.

Is it really not possible to have the text next to the video and be able to create linqs while watching and reading? I can either watch through sentence mode, and get stuck every 5 sec or in video mode where I’m not able to translate or create linqs.

Am I missing something? I don’t understand the feature this way at all. Could just watch YouTube with subtitles, would be the same. Thank you.


In defence of LingQ, and speaking as an ex software engineer with 30 years experience, creating a UI with third party tools (integrating a YouTube player) is most likely rather difficult. It requires skilled engineers and hard work. What looks easy might in practice be very hard or impossible,

That said, what you suggest sounds very sensible. Stop the video, click on a word, hey presto up pops a translation. I would love that. Either they didn’t think of that, or it is impractical to implement. It would also be nice if the current line was in the middle of the screen, as per YouTube, not the top as it often disappears off the screen completely defeating the point of using LingQ! It would also be nice if the YouTube player didn’t regularly reset to the beginning, and if it recorded progress.