You have good taste in clothes

You have good taste in clothes.

Question 1. If I use “dress” instead of “clothes”, does it mean the same thing? Or it doesn’t make any sense to you?

Question 2. After “in”, what else can I use? You have good taste in music, in wine?

Thank you!!

  1. ‘Dress’ does not make sense here. We may, however, say something like “You dress well.” or “You know how to dress well.” Note that my examples use ‘to dress’ as a verb. I think that the reason it doesn’t work is because the most common meaning of ‘dress’ as a noun is a long one-piece garment that women wear, a dress. The secondary meaning is used to describe clothing of a specific kind such as ‘traditional African dress’ meaning, the type of clothing that is traditional in Africa.
  2. Both of your examples work well. Also,
  • You have good taste in food.
  • You have good taste in cars.
  • You have good taste in art.
  • You have good taste in women/men.
  • You have good taste in soda/pop.
    I can’t think of the words to be able to describe a general rule but hopefully that helps you.
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“Dress” is not wrong, but sounds odd to my ears. It feels like you would need to say “You have good taste in the way you dress.” Or even “You have good taste in your dress.” The list of items possible after “in” is probably quite long: music, wine, art, friends, dogs, cats, furniture, cars, literature, etc. All these things have an aesthetic element, you probably wouldn’t want to say "You have good taste in philosophers, theories, empirical evidence, truth, etc. Not that you couldn’t say those things, but it might sound odd.

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Using the word clothes is very clear and sounds better. You could say though,“You dress very stylishly.” Or you can say “I like the way you dress.”

As for question 2, you can say you have good taste in art, food, perfume, books.

Hope that helps!

Thank you very much!

Thanks a lot!