Yet another weird bug when importing Chinese

This is the first time I have seen this kind of bug. The video does have CC Chinese subtitles and they are imported, but the words are not recognized. I know most of those words and already entered them in the system, but they all appear as blue.

I don´t know if it´s something with the format in the original video.

I’m just editing to say that this is happening with basically all the videos from YouTube! It says that the content is being generated (is that any AI new feature that is ruining everything?) and then even simple texts with words already marked as known appear as a full block of blue.


I think the words aren’t being separated. Since Chinese doesn’t use spaces between words, it has to be done via AI. I am assuming if you try and press a word. It will give you a definition for the whole sentence?

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That never happened before. Those are all known words, but since the words are not being recognized separatedly, the whole sentence is grouped together. When the lesson is being imported, it gives a new message saying “your learning content is being generated,” as if it were being created by AI. In the case of importing CC subtitles, that kind of message never happened since there is nothing to generate; just import.

LIngQ staff, where is your answer?

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Did you notice the issue with that one specific video only?

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Thanks for the reply Zoran, not only that video. Yesterday there were more examples but I deleted them all. I will try to find them again.

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For example, Dashu Mandarin, that has always imported without any problems, is presenting the same terrible bug:

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Just to let you know that the problem can be solved by editing and regenerating the lesson, though this is an extra step to what wasn´t necessary before…

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Thanks for the additional information. We are looking into it.

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