Writing correction

Hi everybody,

I am a Linguer since many years, but i had a long “rest”. Indeed I haven’t time to learn languages. Today I decided to star again my learning effort, firstly because I will need in few days to convince my future employers about my languages skills, and then because now, I remember how I love to work with LingQ, as well a learner as a tutor.

But in this 2-year-rest, many things have evolved at Lingq, and I am afraid that I do things wrong.

For example : I receive no correction on my writing request. I firstly send it to a tutor…no response, then to another tutor…no response, and now I switch it as “public”, but I do neither receive correction.

I post some words and lingq advise to give 240 points for it, it is what I’ve done.

So I wonder if I don’t do something wrong.

Could someone help me ?

Thanks a lot.

Hello Cecile,

Nice to hear from you again! You did everything correctly. I have just seen your post on the English Exchange page, it is dated 9 July. I have no idea why it hasn’t been corrected, nor why the original tutors didn’t respond to your submission. Unfortunately I cannot help as I don’t do English corrections. After all, I am not a native.

My advice is to use short sentences for a while. They are easier for you to write and for others to correct. Their meaning does not get lost so easily.

Returning to a language is easy, you’ll make much better progress than you thought you would. It is the staying with the daily routine that can become a problem.

Good luck with polishing up your languages.

Hi SanneT,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes I am back and glad to be here.
Maybe I have to wait a while…It’s Summer and holidays…

Welcome back, Cecile. Nice to have you here again.

I guess the first problem was that you probably have submitted the writing correction to a tutor who isn’t active.

When you changed the exchange request into a public request the date of the exchange hasn’t changed. So it got ‘burried’ under newer requests. That is my guess. I know that some of the really reliable tutors don’t participate in public exchanges any longer because you never know how much you get out.

Welcome back, Cecile! You have been missed :wink:

Two minutes ago, I tried to correct your writing, but the system would not let me make any changes.

Hi Veral,

You are still here! I am glad to all see you again at Lingq.

So, it sounds that the best thing to do is to cancel my request and recreate it.

Thant’s Vera!!

I have just sent you a private message - and added a comment to your exchange post.


Hello, Cecile. I’ve offered a correction for your writing using the exchange system. I don’t mean to get in the others’ way; I just thought you might want to see how the system works.

Imani - It seems to be working now if you want to enter your correction in the system.

@Jingle: Teamwork—this is great :slight_smile:

@Imani: Nice to see to you again. Et, oui, vrai teamwork!


Cecile, I just saw this and am really happy to see you back. And as for the LingQ teamwork, what can I say? Just awesome.

I especially want to mention Imani, my great benefactor for Korean content, although I know Vera, Jingle and Sanne are all equally awesome contributors!

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Thanks for the mention, Steve—super sweet :slight_smile:

Hi everyone!
My name is Wendy and I’m eleven. I was born in September. I am Vietnamese. Last year I lived in Ho Chi Minh city, but now I live in a little house in Nhon Trach, Vietnam, with my father and mother. I’m the only daughter in my family. I don’t have any brother or sister. I like the night time here. We can see the moon and stars. Moon is light and stars have thousands. It will be cold and windy, so we need to wear overcoat. My favorite colors are white, red and blue. I hate orange, yellow and gray. In eat and drink I like sushi, chocolate and Coca. I love listen to music, especially is Chinese music and Chopin. I love flowers, so in my garden I plant a lot of flowers. I often get it to decorating my house. I like watching DVD and play with my little dog Poode in my free time. I like playing games with my dog. I learned English two years, learn the American Headway. It’s nice to join LingQ and studying from you all.
Thank you very much and best regards.