If you need a little help improving your writing in English please contact me. Generally speaking, I can QUICKLY read your work and complete a report which will include corrections as well as suggestions.
I am a native of the USA and grew up in San Francisco, California (my father’s hometown, too!) Since December 2007 I have lived in Mexico. I am very familiar with Spanish and I am currently re-activating my French. I teach English at a university twice a week.
When submitting work for correction here at LingQ please select me if I can be of service.My username is “itesonia”,
Have a wonderful time improving your level of fluency in English.
Best of success!
I have written a few texts on English and I tried to select a corrector bu they didn’t answered or correct mu texts. I will now select you for submitting. Or maybe I don’t have enough points.
Thank you!
Hi Maja,
Okay sure! I am at my desk at home now. Please send me your work via LingQ (if you have enough points). Please let me know once you have submitted it. Can you give me an idea, now, how long it is? How many words? Recently I rad a scientific paper, intended for journal publication. It was about 6,700 words! It took me between 6 and 7 hours to read and correct and write comments.
P.S. I do not know where to look to find the document, if indeed you do submit it for me to correct. I have posed this question in one of the forums. So I hope that I do not keep you waiting because I cannot find the document. :). Although I am located in Mexico, I am from the USA. I live and work in Mexico. I am an English teacher.