World cup football is important in your country? Let us know!

World cup football is important in your country? Let us know!

I have yet to hear anyone mention it, here.

How can it not be? It is such a money spinner!

Not to mention that it is probable the most important sport event after the Olympics .

I for one hope that Germany will win(I’m tired seeing Spain or its club teams winning every possible cup one after an other).

In England no one really bothers with the World Cup :wink:

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It is important in France, and even more so here in Spain. I hope we’ll see beautiful games, not like in 2010. And no vuvuzelas por favor!. :wink:

There’s renewed hope in France after all these sad years but I think our team lacks experience. Come back, Zidane… :frowning:

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It is important for a lot of people in Germany too, but not for all. It is so important that they changed a law for public viewings because some of the games are late in the evenings: ZEIT ONLINE | Lesen Sie mit Werbung oder im PUR-Abo. Sie haben die Wahl.
This law is about noise protection. Now they have loosened some of the restrictions. Personally I’m not interested in football.

Yes, in Portugal it is important to many people. Like Vera, I’m not a football fan, but on TV these days we hear a lot (too much in my opinion) about Ronaldo’s muscle injury, round-tables discussing if he’ll be able to play or not; even the Portuguese team departure to the US was broadcast live on TV! Right now they are saying on TV that the weather in the US is not good, preventing the team from training. :slight_smile:

I’m Canadian, so it’s not important at all!
McDonald’s (where I work) seems to really be pushing it and now the toys are FIFA-themed and the fry boxes are prettier. So far that’s the only attention I’ve seen it receive around here.

To quote the legendary Bill Shankly (Manager of Liverpool FC): ‘Football is not a question of life or death - it’s more important than that’!

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