Working the vocabulary page and tagging

I don’t know how others use the Vocabulary page. Here is a post from my blog about how I use the vocabulary page and the Tag function at LingQ.

This is the first Time I’ve seen the Tag button hahah. Thanks for pointing it out. I’m not quite sure if I’ll be using it or not yet. I do see it being really helpful though just have to figure out how to incorporate it into my studying.

So far, I’ve just been using the vocabulary page to sort my LingQs into 1,2,3,4 status words doing 100 flashcards at a time.

I must say, You’re very efficient with your time. In 2 months you’ve manages to create 10 000 czech Lingqs… Thats crazy, I’ve been going at it with korean for a LONG time and I’m still only at 5000 known words and 8000 Lingq. 0_o…

But I also intend to get back to Korean and then I will be chasing you!

haha… I’m pretty sure you’ll surpass my Korean lingq stats and you’ll be well beyond my korean abilities just a few weeks after picking it up again even though I live in korea. My goal for the pass few months has been to surpass your 5900 known Korean words HAHA. That was one challenge to keep me lingqing everyday. It’s been motivating but I’ve yet to reach it . Its going soooooo slow…

Having said the above, It’s somewhat depressing to think that you’ll probably reach a higher level of korean in such little time compared to what I’ve put into it. This a complete assumption but you do have a Track record that leads me to rightfully believe this. Just looking at how fast your lingqing and plowing through Czech or any other language is somewhat amazing. I’ve yet to make any breakthroughs with korean…

Anyways… Regardless I wont give up =p.

Steve can be beaten. We must learn his methods and use them against him :wink:

I think I’ll catching him up in Russian. He just has to let his guard slip…

I think It’ll be hard for me to catch up to Steve once he gets started on Korean again =p. I started on Korean around the same time when the language was officially beta. That was over a year ago. Steve put Korean on hold about 7 months ago… I’ve been very much active the last 7 months but I’ve yet to catch up to Steve’s known words HAHA. I’ll most likely catch up after Steve becomes fairly conversational in Korean and ready to move on to the next language + 2 years later …=p

I think I’m just too slow at creating lingqs and moving things to known words… Not to mention I’ve never learned a foreign language from scratch to a high level, not knowing what I’m doing and if I’m doing it right other than going through the lingq process and hoping that eventually things fall into place.

Should be interesting to see where things are headed.

keroro, you are getting me itchy to get back to Korean.

I think part of the reason why I create so many LingQ is that I am quite content to LingQ my way through difficult texts, LingQing every third or fifth word without worrying whether I fully understand what I am reading, whether I can remember the words, or whether I can understand what I am listening to. I am confident that things will gradually get clearer.

Now I am going over some of my earlier texts and trying to Tag my saved LingQs for case. I may Tag some wrong, so I think I will submit this to the Doctor and send him some points if he will correct my Tags, or at least tell me which ones are wrong.

Tagging the words, either at the Vocab page, or upon clicking on your saved yellow LingQs on the Lesson Page is a good exercise. It forces you to think about cases, or whatever pattern, structure, part of speech or word ending it might be. Then when you review a Tagged List of a certain part of speech or case ending or whatever, you get a concentrate review of them.

This really helps me to get a better handle of the language. Then things are a little clearer when I once again start plowing forward in my reading and listening.

But if you are not careful I may just do a lesson or two in Korean. In fact I will do so, and see how many LingQs I create in 20 minutes or so.

Uh oh…

I’ll try the same and see how many LingQs I can create in 20 mins. Its 11:40 am here in Korea… I’ll report back in 20 mins HAHAH… I’ll try to go the same speed I normally go at.

Well … 20 minutes resulted in 13 new known words , 64 LingQs and 1 learned LingQ…

I just had dinner. I started into my Korean before dinner, I don’t know how long I spent but then stopped. I will start up again now it is 8.30 at night.

I just did an other 20 mins or so. Soo in 40 mins = 22 known words , 119 lingqs and 1 learned word… That seems somewhat slow to me. And this is me not screwing around and just lingqing…

I have to say though, I dont remember any of the 119 works i just lingqed HAH!

I’ll do some more after lunch.

I went for 20 minutes doing My Lessons > 외국어 개인학습 가이드 > 6. 몬트리올의 두 이방인 . I have an advantage over you in that I know the story, and I know Chinese characters. I created 88 LingQs. I have not yet finished the lesson. When I started there were about 225 unknown words so I have not added to my known words total.

It does not bother me that I do not remember these words. I will meet them again. At some point I may regroup and tag them. Meanwhile I am reading and letting the language flow over me.

For me, language learning is mostly the relentless pursuit of new words, gleaned from interesting content, that I then listen to. I occasionally take a breather and go over the words that I have captured.

I would love tell everyone at LingQ that they create many more LingQs, but people all have their own favourite ways of learning and I don’t want to discourage people.

Just to update you. I probably spent an hour in all. Saved 127 LingQs, added 169 new “known words” ( I use the term lightly) and read 607 words. If I did that every two nights, and listened to this item a few times a day, I would get closer to Korean. If I keep this up for 6 months I will make great progress. But now back to Czech…although I think I understand Korean better because of all the Chinese origin words, and because I am basically familiar with the structure from me previous stint at Korean, and


Yeah thats interesting.

I just opened that same exact lesson. There’s about 280 unknown words…

I wonder how much Knowing chinese characters have helped you with korean? YOu feel you can figure out a large percentage of words that have chinese roots?
I can certainly see it being very helpful but i dont think i’ll be diving into learning korean HANJA anytime soon. Perhaps Once I reach a decent level of korean.
Since you love reading newspapers , knowing the chinese characters will certainly be good for you!

Yes no cases BUT a crap load of verb/word endings that all have different meanings =p. Hard to wrap my head around it.
You’re definitely at an advantage having Japanese and Chinese under your belt!!! You should reach a decent level of korean in no time at all.

Also I plan on studying your 외국어 개인학습 가이드 book at some point. I’ve read the english version and started lingqing the korean one but gave up.
I’m in the process of importing and lingqing all 75 Talk to me in Korean Iyagi series. Very good for casual polite everyday speech. Not good for reading newspaper , books or even understanding the news. However my goal is to understand everyday speech and hopefully be talking more… Ill tackle the news and books and what not later…

When I see the meaning of a Korean word, I can often figure out the character and that helps me learn the word and understand it. This kind of text is heavy to hanja and so is easier for me. I would imagine that you would have an easier time than me in more casual conversational material like talk to me in Korean.

The words endings are definitely something that only a great deal of exposure will make easier. I bought a few books in Japan which dealt with these endings as patterns with lots examples. There are sound tracks for these and I am chasing the author to sell his material across LingQ. He says he is thinking about it. The explanations are in Japanese, but the Korean audio and text are really helpful. It would work great at LingQ.

His name is Mr. Im (Hayashi in Japanese). He is a professor of Korean in Japan, and a very nice man. I looked him up when I was in Japan after I bought his book. It may help if you wrote to him also expressing an interest.

If you are interested let me know and I will send you his email address.

After watching (well, listening to, actually) Steve’s video “The truth about how I learn languages”, I started tagging a few of my many Polish LingQs. However, I don’t find tagging to be very practical at this stage. I would like the different tags to be displayed in alphabetical order and maybe in a column, so that I don’t have to read them all to select the ones I need. It would also be great if we could tag LingQs in batches, not one by one.
I hope you will implement (some of) these suggestions one day. Then, I will start tagging LingQs more often. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the video steve…

mikebond, I think the current tag system works great. Have you not notice all the Tags categories you’ve created on the right hand side underneath the filter by status/ Lesson drop down? Click on the Tag Category you’re looking for and then you can Sort them and even Search for exactly what you’re looking for. And Yes , Batch Tags ( this sounds weird HAHAH) would be a nice feature…

I like the Idea of Tags but I think for me its complicating things. I need to figure out how to integrate it into my study time and make the most of it.

Yes, I did see that, keroro, and I do think that’s a good feature for vocabulary revising. I was talking about tagging while you create a LingQ.

I reread what you wrote. I get what you mean now =p. wasn’t clear when i first read it.