"Words of reading" statistic not accurate

I’m reading Harry Potter in Spanish and so far everything has been fine. But recently I noticed that the “Words of reading” statistics are way lower than what I actually read. The books are split into lessons of ~6000 words each. I read at least one lesson per day, sometimes a bit more. So I should have 6000 or more words be added to my “words of reading” statistic every day. However, for the past 2-3 weeks, LingQ only says that I have added ~2000 words per day, sometimes even less. I know for a fact that each lesson has around 6000 words, I even double-checked the lesson statistics. So why is it so far off? This is a major bug that needs to be fixed.

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Thanks for reporting, we will look into it.

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I guess I have found the cause of the problem. I recently started using LingQ on a new device (a Boox Palma with an e-ink screen that doesn’t fatigue my eyes) and I noticed that the problem only showed up since I started using the Boox Palma.

So yesterday I read one lesson (~6000 words) on my computer and LingQ logged the ~6000 words correctly. Then, today I read another lesson on the Boox Palma (again ~6000 words) and noticed that the app only logged ~3000 words. Then, at the end of the lesson, in the lesson statistics, I saw that “words of reading” had a x0.5 counter behind it. I pressed the PLUS (+) button 5 times to get it to x1.0 and as a result, the app logged the correct amount of words.

So I have a few questions for @zoran

  1. Question: Why is there a function to multiply your words read/words listened by incremental steps of 10% (x0.1 - x0.2 - x0.3 - x0.4 - x0.5 - x0.6 - x0.7 - x0.8 - x0.9 - x1.0 - x1.1 - x1.2 - x1.3 and so on)? What is the purpose of logging your words differently than what you actually read/listened to? I understand that one would manually want to add words that haven’t been registered by the app. But why does this function exist with the 10% multiplier?

  2. Question: how do I set the default value to x1.0?

  3. Question: If it’s set to x0.0 does that mean that none of my words read are being logged? Or is x0.0 the default setting that equals x1.0?

Thanks @zoran

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I’m currently going through the statistics of all the lessons I’ve read so far (several hundred) and I noticed that this “words read” multiplier is randomly changed in every single one of those lessons. Some of them have a 0.7 multiplier, others a 0.5 or even 0.4 multiplier. This means that several hundreds of thousands of words I’ve read so far have been counted incorrectly by the app. Therefore, my entire “words read” statistics is false. This is extremely frustrating. Why does LingQ do that? What is the reasoning behind programming the app to behave so incorrectly and in such a random pattern? How can I turn off this function? I just want it to be set to 1.0 forever and not change at all. @zoran

@mo.chk Are you manually adjusting lesson audio speed? Do you change it from default 1x?

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@zoran No, I didn’t change anything. The app just changed it on its own. I don’t know if this is a glitch or if the app is programmed that way to change it on its own.

Thanks, we’ll check that.

@zoran Is there a way to deactivate this function?

Hi @mo.chk !
The Words Read ratio shown on the Lesson Statistics screen on Android corresponds to the share of the lesson you read. I.e if it shows 0.5 - it means the app counted you have read only half of the book. So you can boldly change it to 1.0 if you are sure you did read it fully.
Based on your input, I assume there might be a bug on the Android app which affects the word reading accounting. I am sure it will be fixed in the nearest time.
Thank you for the report!