Words counting wrong

The words counting when read is obviously a problem but it is definitely the biggest problem with the lingq 5.0 enrollment. I just want to know when its fixed in 1-2 weeks (should be sooner since those dates were given previously) will they toss it all together (throw it away) and go back to 4.0 (counts words read when completing the lesson) or make it optional in settings or what is the remedy?


Mark mentioned in another thread they’re looking at making it optional. Wouldn’t count on going back to 4.0.

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I hope they make it optional as Mark said. But at the same time, Zoran says it’s probably impossible and they rather make this system more precise. Enough users have already complained about it, so i guess we just need time to see what they’re gonna do about it.


I prefer the new system, let’s keep it.


If its optional and i turn it off will it function like 4.0 as in i finish a lesson and it counts the number of words in the lesson and adds to my words read or i have to manually input everything?

Oh god i think its impossible to make it “more precise” for mobile if im reading and i lock the screen and reopen it double counts the page which will happen alot on mobile otherwise one would just use desktop right? Idk i just want something more accurate thats all.


It is nice in theory but i have never finished reading for the day and my words read is accurate if i read say 5k it will be 7-8k easy ive tracked it for a week (this is on mobile) so results may vary but stats are useless if they are inaccurate. I don’t really care the counting system just the reliability needs to be 99.9%

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No idea, I’m not a developer - just saying what I read on the forum :slight_smile:

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Oh haha gotchya. Well thank you for the heads up!

Yeah, I understand, i have no idea how they’re going to realise that really.

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