The words I do not know are not highlighted in yellow.
The words you don’t know are originally highlighted in blue. When you select or create a hint by checking the dictionary the blue highlighting turns to yellow. Yellow words are LingQs. Thereafter, every time that word appears in a lesson it will appear highlighted in yellow until you know it and change its status to known.
Yes I understand the process. Unfortunately when I select a hint the blue highlighting does not turn yellow. it is quite frustrating.
I have now changed to a different internet browser and the problem is solved!!! However I need to go back to the start so I can highlight in Yellow the words I do not know in the first three lessons. Any hints please?
@GILROC - Can you tell us which browser and version you were using initially which wasn’t working for you? Insofar as quickly LingQing your blue words, the best way is to just look at the dashboard pane with the first blue word selected and then to go through them all using the keyboard shortcuts and only referring to the text when you need more context for the current term.
I was using Opera and then Internet Explorer ( not the latest version). However it works well now using Fiirefox. I completed lesson 4 making Lingqs.
While I was struggling with the first browsers, I inadvertently changed all the blue words to known words!!! and hope I can now go back and start the program again.
@GILROC - Glad to hear it’s working for you now.
If you mark a word as Known, you can just highlight it and click on it again to save it as a LingQ. Once you save a “Known” word it will be removed from your Known Words total and added to your list of saved LingQs. Good luck!
Just a note. I use Firefox 3.6.17 on the Mac (a somewhat old version of Firefox), and I cannot create LingQs on it. I downloaded OmniWeb, and that works fine.