Wind or wind up

Just this morning while talking with a coworker who is native English speaker (from Calgary, AB, Canada) , we were discussing about English words which may have (and indeed have) two or more different meanings. We came across the word “wind” … he gave me two examples: “today the wind is blowing strongly” and “I wind my clock every day at 7:00 am” … In this case , the word “wind” has not only two different meanings but even also different pronunciation … I went further and asked him what would happen if I added the word "up"to this sentence … I mean: “I wind my clock up every day at 7:00 pm” … He told me that he believes that it would be the same but was not sure !!! . May I get some help from out there regarding this question? .

The meaning means the same to me, but I wouldn’t use ‘wind’ when it concerns my clock any more. Also ‘wind up’ (since you’re a baseball fan humberto) is what a pitcher is doing just before he throws the ball. So Fernando Valenzuela and Hideo Nomo both had strange wind ups, you probably knew that one though.

But adding up to certain words sometimes is for rhythm I think, sort of like the way my Argentinean dad says ‘che’ between some words…

wind up has another meaning than wind only.

it can mean wind up the clock to accurate time .also when you wind somebody up you are doing something to annoy somebody .
******note ;
wind is pronounced as((WIND))
wind up is pronounced as ((WAIND UP)) past tense and past participle is ((WOUND))

I can say (( I wound up last night at beach )) that mean I went there but without make decision to go there

I hope I did my best to explain the deffirence
a77md2 Vancouver