Wiktionary Integration for “Less Major” Languages

I have recently begun using LingQ. I have been tremendously impressed by the resources available for learning “less major” languages, so to speak, like Hungarian, Catalan, and Armenian. However, one major drawback I have been faced with is the lack of Wiktionary integration for these types of languages. To me, Wiktionary seems like one of the most, if not the most basic, forms of linguistic reference. Yet when reading in Hungarian, for example, I am left needing to constantly look up words on a separate page, rather than having the smooth Wiktionary integration I enjoy on LingQ with a language such as French. I have been finding LingQ to be an amazing tool, but I have been left frustrated by this lack of an option to utilize Wiktionary with these aforementioned languages, which would seemingly be a simple problem to fix. Is Wiktionary integration really lacking for all these “less major” languages or am I missing something?
Thanks for any help.


LingQ relies on user generated hints to fuel their popular word meanings. This means that for more commonly studied languages there are enormous amounts of translations and examples. For less commonly studied languages you may only have the default translation and a button to check the dictionary. Someone with a bit of know how just needs to import the entire wiktionary for that language and have it pre-populated with definitions. They are looking to improve this with their GPT word hints and GPT contextual word translations which are available on the iOS app.