Why a lesson in UKRAINIAN appears translated in russian?

The audio lesson in Ukrainian that I downloaded some days ago appears in Russian.
After a few minutes, the text that is spoken in Ukrainianappears even completely translated into Russian! This lesson is completely useless to me, I am wasting my time and my money

I have screenshots that prove what I am saying. Are trying to fix this soon please ?


We are familiar with that issue and our team is looking into it. We will have it fixed soon.

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Hello, I have the same problem, Georgian is translated into Ukrainian :smiley:

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Same thing on my end. My Ukrainian meetings are mostly trandcribed in Russian.

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a Ukrainian meeting has been transcribed in something that looks like Polish.

Ja was dodał


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@zoran Any ETA for a fix ?

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Still waiting to hear back on this from developers. Sorry, but no updates yet.

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Today, once again, an audio text in Ukrainian (about 11 minutes) was completely transcribed into Russian. Luckily, I had the written text in Ukrainian, I just spent over an hour correcting the written text, paragraph by paragraph. I have multiple screenshots of the process. Obviously, LingQ can’t fix this problem, right? Are you planning to offer a serious discount on LingQ premium subscription, because for the past few months this malfunction has been a real problem? @zoran


Hi @BlueBird14 Ukrainian is free to study. You can have premium access for free. If you are not interested by other langagues, you can express the fact you are unhappy by not paying.

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Thank you, you are right. @nicolasbrunel
I chose to pay out of solidarity. I am not interested in other languages ​​(even if I tested French and English for fun), I think that being Premium for free for Ukrainian only would be the right solution, because I am not interested in other languages.

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