White Noise: Another Adventure in the Russian language

My wife criticised me for not understanding a word the she thought I should know how to use and she laughed me to scorn when I said that when I understand 2500 words I will be at Intermediate level 1. She asked me if there were 10 intermediate levels!

So to prove to her that I could understand some of what was said to me I asked her to read a text of 172 words from my Russian textbook. There were 11 words that I didn’t quite remember, so I refreshed my short-term memory with those. I asked her to read 4-5 words at a time. The first three words were “Yesterday was Saturday.” When she spoke them in Russian, it sounded like “white noise”. I had to ask her to repeat them. After that I made good progress in translating the sounds I heard her speak, with a couple of repetitions of some of the phrases.
I realised that when I read a Russian text that what I hear in my brain is not exactly the same sounds as when my wife speaks them out loud.

My wife apologised when she realised that I was making progress in understanding Russian even if my speaking is not as good as she would like.

On the question of listening and reading,my stats received this morning show that my reading level is high, but my listening stat is pathetically low. So, I need to do much more listening. This is the only way to get through the white noise phase to the comprehension phase.


That is very true. Take a look at this video:

I understand almost everything he says, but when a real Russian speaks I often miss even basic words. This is a huge frustration, and I’m afraid the only cure is to keep listening and listening without subtitles. I have improved my own listening comprehension skills during these past few months, but I still have a lot of work to do. Make sure to listen to the natives primarily even though nothing appears to be getting through the static at times. Good luck!

Thank you for the video. Even with his rapid-fire delivery I was able to understand about one in ten words from my data base of 1600 words!

There is lots of interesting Russian material in lingq. Even some natural dialog between native speakers which is super valuable in my opinion. A native talking to an intermediate is useful too. So the dialog is more simple perhaps.

Dude, thank you very much for that link! That guy is pretty cool, and I can understand quite a bit.

Hi, I’m Anna, a Russian language teacher from St Petersburg. I’ve uploaded some lessons at Login - LingQ , I’ll be happy if you find them helpful :slight_smile: