Whisper transcription cut off

Mark, Zoran or whoever is responsible here. Could you please provide an explanation as to why we can no longer transcribe full podcasts? Whether it is the automatic subtitles or the whisper transcriptions, you can only get the first half hour. Can this be fixed or is this just the way things will be now around here?

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I experience the same thing.

That’s a bug, not a new feature. We are working on it and we will have it fixed.

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This seems to be an issue again, at least for me. On a laptop, the option to translate the whole sentence doesn’t show up at all. On an android phone it shows up but doesn’t work.

@Jingle Are you saying that the Translate Sentence button doesn’t work in the sentence mode?

On the phone (android) in sentence view when I touch translation, it says “Unable to translate sentence. Try again later.”

On my laptop in sentence mode, the translation button isn’t even visible.

@Jingle Strange, the show translation button is there for me on PC. What browser are you using and what language have you selected as your dictionary language?

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So it has been 4 days. Any chance it will be repaired in the near future?

I hope that we will have it fixed soon. No updates yet at the moment.

That was the problem, I guess. Somehow the dictionary language had gotten switched to Spanish. I changed it to English, and the translate button reappeared.

(Using Chrome.)

Thanks for helping.

Great, glad to hear you figured it out.