Where is the in app (android) help to post bugs/feedpack

Am using the free android version, but i keep finding little irritable bugs in the app. Even filling out this form; it is rendered such that the keyboard obscures this text field and i cannot scroll to see to type my reply.

Where is the help/feedback button to simply put comments in to product support.

I have had to resort to using a laptop to fill out this form.

My first issue that I wanted to post was when clicking on words and choosing to to see verb definitions; this seemed to want to open a some “reverso” content; but one is presented with some kind of accept cookies type text; this text is not completely visible/does not fit on screen and one has no means to scroll to accept the cookies and move on.

Another gripe is the free version has lots of features blocked; I want to see these features working before committing to a subscription. Why can’t you unlock all features in the free version for a trail period so that one can truly experience the app; then after the trail period block those features. Or let free users apply for a trial key which unlocks all features for a trail period.

Also where can I attach files to this bug report/feature request so one can attach screen shots showing issues.

I posted about the bug for the android version of the forum earlier:

I know what you mean, I’ve just been posting through my laptop as well. If that bug is a bit higher up on your priority list I recommend chiming in over there, so they have it all in one place and raise the priority, if more people find it urgent. (Not as urgent for me because I am mostly on my computer, so I mentioned it was lower priority for me when I posted it.)

You can drag and drop files into the text field (on your computer), and it will upload them for you to post.

You can also click the :framed_picture: (framed picture) icon in the toolbar of your text message box to select a file on your computer and upload it.

Unfortunately, I tried to upload a screenshot using my phone with the mobile version of the forum through the link app, and it was impossible for me with the usability issues you and I both noticed as Android users.

I had to take a screenshot on my phoneUpload it to my Google DriveDownload it from my Google DriveUpload it to the Forum.

If you don’t have Gmail, you can try emailing your screenshot to yourself/uploading it manually from your phone to your laptop.

I hope this helps!

Regarding the forum issue on Android, it will be fixed in the next app update. Our team fixed the issue.

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Thank you to you and the Team for your hard work @zoran ! :smiley:

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