I’ve been copy and pasting a book from a website for a couple of months. Everything went well until yesterday. When I copied and pasted directly from the website, the words were space strangely as if the intention was to have no spaces at the beginning or end of a line. It was pretty disorienting. I then tried copying the content into a Word document and pasting one paragraph in at a time. It looked like this worked, with the exception of the last word of many sentences being divided, sometimes with only one letter of the word before the split. I fixed that before publishing the lesson. Then when it was published, I found that the sentences are broken into different paragraphs. So I’m trying to go back and fix that. This is very tedious. It’s taking forever. I figured it was my fault, but this morning a was reading a new lesson imported by someone else recently and it has the same problems. The sentences are broken up willy nilly, so its difficult to understand the content or even the context.
Has this been reported? Is it being fixed? This is the feature I use more than anything else, and if it can’t be fixed, I don’t want my renewal to go through this month.