When I click Exchange

Thank you for your reply, Mark.

It appears that the problem is resolved. The submenu remains on the screen until you select a service from the list.
Now that the program is working fine, don’t change any part of the scripts that has caused the issue from now on.

I have the same problems with my iPad, I can’t use the lesson or exchange sub menus as they disappear too quickly. The site is almost unusable.

I agree.

I hope they find soon a solution !

The problem has already been resolved. If you are still experiencing this try refreshing your browser. the issue was caused by an update to iOS and was not something that we did.

Again. I should not have installed iOS 9.0.
In the case of iOS 8.4.1, the issue does not occur.

Hi Yutaka,
I’ll look into this! Thanks for letting us know.

@Yutaka, this bug has been fixed and should be working again!