I booked a French course before Christmas, to start late in January. I am now confused about whether the points for it have gone out of my account yet or not. If they have then I have lots of points left and can book up lots of Russian speaking events …but if they haven’t and I spend them on other events then I fear I might go overdrawn. Can that happen? What will you do to me if I end up with a negative points balance? :-{
I know I can check my account history…and I do…but bookkeeping has never been my strong subject I can’t follow all the points adjustments in it.
What happens when you buy a course is that you are charged for the writing and speaking that make up the course. Then, you are given points for performing those activities. The points for conversations are then immediately deducted since you are signed up for the conversations automatically. The points for writing remain in your account and are deducted when you submit writing based on the number of words you submit. Therefore, you do need to keep some points in order to submit your writing assignments. Otherwise you are free to sign up for Russian events!