What's the best book to learn English grammar ? currently I am looking for a book that assist me

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If it has lots example sentences (at least two pages) and every sentences has translation in your native language. It is the best book. Give yourself an hour and saerch it in local bookseller. You can also create lingqs (if you prefer lingq as sentences) from the example senteces moreover you can add reminder notes in lingq. More importantly you can review your lingqs
Good Luck

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I can recommend ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE by Raymond Murphy.
The most important problems of English Grammar you can find in lingq.com in my course with different native speakers -
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Try the books by Paola Nanni-Tate. Explanation is in English. I used Italian Verb Drills and Italian Verb Tenses. Verb Drills is great. All books are full of exercises with clear examples of correct grammar use and of course a key for all the answers for the exercises. I bought them at bol.com. They’re also available as E-books I think.

The grammar books are like bible for each language. In my experience, Complete English Grammar Rules by Farlex International is the best book for self study. This book will help you to put your skills into action. You can have a look from here: Best English Grammar Books 2023