What springs to mind when you hear the world 'parenting'?

What SPRINGS to mind when you hear the world ‘parenting’?

Olá pessoal. Sou novo aqui então se eu fazer algo errado peço que me perdoem rs.

Minha dúvida é: o que significa as palavras “springs” e “parenting” nessa frase? E o porque dessa tradução.
Bom, fazendo a tradução direta a frase ficaria: O que vem a sua cabeça quando você escuta a palavra cuidado dos pais.
Mas a tradução de spring como verbo seria saltar, correto? Então, porque o sentido nessa frase muda?
Já a palavra parenting até possui uma certa relação com parent, então fica fácil de entender.

Obrigado a atenção de todos.

Sorry I can’t help in Portuguese, but I’ll try in English. In this sentence, the word “springs” tells you that it happened QUICKLY. Before thinking about it, what comes to mind when you hear the word parenting? The word “parenting” is the same as “raising children”, which refers to the way you teach your children about the world and how they should act in it.

Thanks kcb.

What SPRINGS to mind when you hear the world ‘parenting’?

My question is: What does the word “springs” and “parenting” in the sentence above?

Springs = happens quickly; pops into existence (there are other, more common meanings for this word)

Parenting = how a parent looks after a child; the way a parent cares for a child; the way a parent teaches a child to behave

thank you very much kcd!