What Podcasts Would You Like to See in the LingQ Library?

Thanks for the suggestions :slight_smile: The first challenge is finding podcasts that will allow us to use their content, then we need to figure out payment, get transcripts if there aren’t any, etc. It just takes a little time to organize. I will see what I can do with these Korean resources. Have a great day!

Have you ever considered trying to attract original content to the website by allowing creators to sell their original courses through LingQ? For example, there are already podcasts like “Notes in Spanish” and “Spanish Obsessed” who sell their transcripts through a website; what if you allowed them to create a course of their podcasts with audio on LingQ and sell that course through LingQ? Users could purchase courses through LingQ, the content creators would have a platform to sell their product to learners, and LingQ could take a small percentage to help make money for the website. And hopefully this would attract podcasters and content-creators to add courses and lessons to LingQ.

I’m sure people some would be uncomfortable with monetizing lessons/courses, but free lessons would still be available just like they are now. But instead of purchase transcripts or an audio course on another website and then going through the pain of importing all that material onto LingQ, it would already be integrated into the LingQ website.

Some Danish ones would be great ^^

I’d like to see more LingQ Podcasts for Japanese.

For Russian: “A Taste of Russian”

Transcripts are already provided for free by the creators.

This approach worked well for me in Mandarin - https://www.lingq.com/forum/open-forum/native-podcast-transcripts-project/

If you want to know what podcasts are popular in various languages - go to itunes - then podcasts - then at the bottom click “change country” to a country with your TL - this will then list the most popular podcasts in that country for you. You can contact the podcasters directly for permission via the links to their contact details on itunes.

What a great suggestion! Thanks.

I know it’s not one of the language listed for this threa, but could someone from lingq ask Ran Levi if his podcasts can be reposted? His history and most of the secular biblical series have writtwn scripts. He’s on Twitter and speaks very good English.

More beginner material for Polish learners please! It would be awesome :smiley:

I’d love to see some Japanese podcasts like “hiikibiiki”, the topics are very varied. :slight_smile:

Excellent Podcast in Spanish:

God am I glad to see this thread. I don’t have any recommendations but I’m seriously disappointed by the lack of things I find interesting in the Chinese LingQ areas. Especially officially, but even imported lessons are usually super dull. And it is very difficult to import native content liek youtube videos because I’d have to write my own transcriptions, rip the audio etc.

I’d like to see some podcasts on eSports, science, and… my most desired kind of content.

Documentaries! Shanghai had a CCTV channel that was full of NatGeo/Discovery-type documentaries dubbed in Mandarin. Any sort of audio with text like that would win me over so fast.

“Philosophize This!” is a great podcast that I would recommend to anyone really (including the advanced learners of English) and I’m fairly certain that the older episodes do have transcripts.

I love this podcast because it’s truly difficult to read great philosophers who happened to write horribly (Kant!!!) and having their views wrapped up in about 40 minutes is very useful.

i discovered my problem is the Google Play app makes searching for podcasts a pain. using CastBox for android is much easier to find podcasts!

The History of English Podcast by Kevin Stroud is very interesting. Transcripts appear to be available for a fee: Transcripts | The History of English Podcast

I love that podcast but I’m not sure how useful it would be to English learners. In fact, I think all the discussion of Anglo-Saxon grammar and older forms of words that are no longer used in English or have changed meaning over time might only confuse learners unnecessarily.

ラジオ日本 主な日本語放送
Here is a link to the page it is on

The podcasts are about 12 to 15 minutes long, and the mp3 is downloadable. All that is missing is the transcript.

Some other podcasts in Portuguese that I’d like to see available in LingQ.

FAQ 21: http://www.faq21.com/episodios
Escriba café: https://escribacafe.com/tagged/podcast
Filosofia Pop (iTunes)
Mamilos (iTunes)
Caixa de Histórias (iTunes)

Hi Jahrine. I’ve just discovered a series of … well, I guess they’re more audiobooks than podcasts, though they do come up on an iPhone’s native podcast app: Citybooks - http://www.citybooks.eu/en
They’re a Dutch organisation, and they seek out writers from a particular city, and get them to write and record stories in Dutch, English, French and whatever the national language of the particular city is (if not Dutch, English or French). They have audio and text, and they’re free to listen / read, so maybe they’d have no problem with giving LingQ permission to split them into sections and put them on the site. You get a lot of Dutch, English and French material, of course, and also some in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, German, Romanian (and Afrikaans which may be of interest to Dutch learners) plus a few other languages that are not yet supported on LingQ.

Definitely worth asking. All the Dutch ones I’ve listened to so far have been a bit advanced for my level of vocab, but very clearly spoken.

Any idea if there are transcripts available for Radio Voyageurs or Le Rendez-vous Tech in French?