我 有 一件 绿色 的 上衣. I don’t understand why 一件 is in the sentence. I am understanding the sentence to read this way= I have an item green jacket or I have a green jacket item. Why not just drop 一件 (an item) so it reads I have a green jacket?
Also, the middle part of the sentence is hard for me to understand as well. 它 和 我 的 蓝 帽子 搭配 起来. I know he is speaking about his blue hat, but that is about all I can get. The last part of this piece doesn’t seem to make sense. 搭配 means arrange in pairs and 起来 is stand up or an upwards movement.
All Chinese nouns have "counters’ as we do in English for “one sheet of paper” “one slice of bread” etc, Chinese does it for all nouns. You will get used to it. Just keep listening and reading. You are doing fine.
搭配 can mean arrange
起来is just a commonly used filler, it really does not add much meaning. Just like in English there are often unnecessary words, as in gather together, together is not really necessary.
My advice is to keep exposing yourself to the language and not to ask too many questions. Things will get clearer.
It’s just the way Chinese language “works”. You will encounter many more classifiers/measure words, and they are in fact present in English too:
a CUP of tea, a BOTTLE of milk, a PIECE of chocolate, a LOAF of bread, a GLASS of water et.c.
As for the second sentence it’s something like: “it (referring to the jacket, I suppose) and my blue hat match” (起来 is probably added for emphasis - I’m only a beginner myself, but have seen the word being used this way in other sentences).
OH o.k. thank you both so much. I got it now about the fillers. Also I have more clarity about the last part. He has a blue hat that matches the blue jacket. @(^_^)@
一件 is a measure word. In Chinese we don’t have plural or singular, but we have measure words. You put different measure words before different "noun"s.
Here are some common measure words:
一条 狗 a dog
一个 人 a man
一栋 楼房 a building
一辆 轿车 a car
搭配起来 is just a common expression.(When I put them together, they look great) Language is just a habit and we just say like that:)
My advice is, try not to analyze Chinese sentences with English grammar. “Unlearn what you have learnt” ^^